26 Jul 2022
Wine & Food
One of the biggest wine and food events of the year happened after a two-year hiatus, at the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History (SBMNH). Over 1,000 folks gathered on the 17-acre campus to stroll along the shaded banks of Mission Creek sampling the Central Coast’s best food, wine, and spirits from 80-plus purveyors. This […]
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Happy (Fiscal) New Year!
This was the 9th annual “Fiscal New Year” fête hosted by Ernesto Paredes to get executive directors together for a sip and greet. He had help from a committee of Heidi Holly, Kim Olson, and Sophia Davis. It was held at the former Chuck’s Waterfront Grill near the Maritime Museum. There was even a sponsor […]
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Reina del Mar Parlor Number 126 Tea
The Casa de la Guerra Adobe came to life the other Sunday when the Reina del Mar Parlor No. 126 Native daughters of the Golden West gave their annual Pre-Fiesta Tea. Master of Ceremonies Thea Palencia told us, “The Tea had been a part of every Old Spanish Days celebration since the 1920s except for […]
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Warrior Drafted by Dodgers
Westmont’s Simon Reid was drafted by the Los Angeles Dodgers in the 10th round of the MLB Draft on July 18. The junior catcher hit .378 last season and led the team in on-base plus slugging (1.088), hits (82), and slugging percentage (.654). He was named to his second All-Golden State Athletic Conference Baseball Team […]
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Hosting the German National Team
The German Track and Field National Team found a home at Westmont July 3-18 while preparing for the 2022 World Athletics Championships, which are being held for the first time ever in the United States. A total of 135 athletes, coaches, trainers, doctors, and managers moved into Westmont’s Global Leadership Center and worked out at […]
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The Zombies in Ojai: Back From the Undead
It’s one of those strange quirks in rock ‘n’ roll history that The Zombies had already broken up by the time their second studio album, the Beach Boys/Beatles-influenced psychedelic-chamber pop classic, Odessey and Oracle, became a big bestseller on the back of the hit “Time of the Season” in 1968. They’d scored before with the […]
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Independent Commissions to Solve Climate Crisis and More?
Our system of government was deliberately set up to make change and action very difficult. Unfortunately, reality does not care about our inability to govern. Notably, the Climate Crisis marches on, with action urgently needed to avert unprecedented disaster on a global scale. The President, House of Representatives, and Senate are rarely in alignment. And, […]
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Sanctuary Centers of Santa Barbara
Sanctuary Centers has been around for 46 years, and while the nonprofit’s array of services and team of experienced clinical providers has grown to encompass both inpatient and outpatient care, as well as an integrated approach and supportive housing to form a comprehensive system of care, the organization hasn’t wavered from its mission. Their range […]
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Fareed Zakaria got it wrong! A dishonorable peace
No doubt many of you know of Fareed Zakaria, the very intelligent columnist for the Washington Post and popular host of Fareed Zakaria GPS (where GPS stands for “Global Public Square”). Fareed is more than a popular pundit; he is a significant opinion maker himself. For years his prestigious interviews of global elites in government […]
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One of my more popular epigrams (at least popular with me) says “A good friend is worth pursuing – But why would a good friend be running away?” In the case of this article, the good friend is Happiness, the pursuit of which, according to our hallowed Declaration of Independence, is a God-given right. So, […]
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The Secret to Making Long Hikes Feel Better
How would you describe the Santa Barbara Nine Trails Endurance Run? Challenging, grueling, fun? In early 2020, a few Montecito locals – retirees, moms, and full-time professionals – found their joy in this mega-trail. The small group, comprised of about five women, met through the Montecito Trails Foundation (MTF). They banded together and set out […]
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Fashion Forward: Endless Summer Style Struts the City of Lights
by Sofia Fouroohi-Martin Montecito and Paris collided on June 23 when fashion designer and Central Coast native Doni Nahmias unveiled his Spring-Summer 2023 collection at Paris Fashion Week. The collection was inspired by Montecito’s Butterfly Beach. Twenty-nine-year-old Doni grew up in Summerland, often frequenting Butterfly Beach. He describes it as his favorite beach, where he […]
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Wildfire Risks Heating Up Homeowners Insurance Market
Last week was a big week for Montecito and California in homeowners insurance. At our Board Meeting, we hosted the California Department of Insurance and agents from Brown & Brown and Bridgepoint, who are finding policies for Montecitans. A Little Background After the Thomas Fire of December 2017, and the deadly Debris Flow, an emergency […]
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Trash Pickup
Is the County going to let Channel Drive go to Hades now that the Biltmore is down long term? Matt McLaughlin A Laughing Bear Carlos, The Bear, was doubled over, stomping his paws, with tears rolling down his snout as he roared with laughter. A sneak peek at a yet unpublished tome in the Montecito […]
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Sonya Harris’s 101 Freeway Ramp Garden Relocated
Summerland is blessed with the beautiful green thumb of Sonya Harris, who single-handedly created a garden scape with over 250 plants and stonework along Lillie Avenue’s sidewalk through the northbound 101 onramp. Caltrans was ready to bulldoze through that garden were it not for a good deed message from Kirsten Ayars, PR for the Caltrans […]
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Gone Owls
The prominent sandstone rock outcropping was riddled with gritty alcoves, clefts, lofty ledges, and shadowy caves. As I scanned with binoculars for any feathered occupants, I found five barn owls nesting in the upper reaches of this remote, sandstone cathedral. However, there was something else that caught my attention while attempting to conceal themselves 20 […]
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Walk for Wellness at Alma Rosa
Coming up on Saturday, July 23 is Mental Wellness Center’s 3rd Annual Alma Rosa Winery Peace of Mind: 10,000 Steps in the Right Direction Walk. The live walk will take place at the scenic 628-acre estate of the Alma Rosa Winery and participants will have the opportunity to walk through the winery’s luscious pinot noir […]
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PTCSB Hosts Annual Golf Tournament
The Polo Training Center Santa Barbara (PTCSB) is hosting its annual benefit golf tournament on August 22 at the Montecito Club’s Jack Nicklaus Signature course. The PTCSB is a nonprofit dedicated to making polo more accessible for local youth. Not only does the organization envision the sport’s growth as increased training and collegiate scholarships, but […]
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Summer Splendor at Local Eateries The Sweetness and Spiciness of the Season
Warm summer breezes and longer days beckon diners outdoors to explore the city’s diverse culinary landscape. Although there has been a recent uptick in virus cases, restaurant owners and chefs tempt diners with their summer creations. Several local eateries continue to exercise the same safety protocols at the height of the pandemic. “Our doors to […]
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Come to the Cabaret… With an Open Mind
Don’t walk into the Music Academy’s Cabaret at Hahn Hall next Thursday, July 28, expecting to see a knockoff of the 1966 Kander and Ebb Broadway musical or Bob Fosse’s 50-year-old film adaptation. While both are set in Berlin’s cabaret culture during the Weimar Republic, the Academy event is an originally devised cabaret with a […]
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