27 Aug 2020
Stonehouse Honored for Outdoor Dining
Last week, the Stonehouse at San Ysidro Ranch was honored in an article by the Michelin Guide, marking it as one of 11 “Must-See” outdoor dining venues in the United States. With restaurants across the country forced to make the most of outdoor dining venues given the ongoing pandemic, the article makes note of nearly […]
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Montecito Country Mart Welcomes New Stores
Two new shops have popped up at Montecito Country Mart, just in time for the last few weekends of the summer shopping season. Studio C is a brand-new concept from C Magazine founder and editor Jennifer Hale, who, along with her team, have curated an array of California-made items including ready-to-wear clothing, bathing suits, beauty […]
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Olive Mill Roundabout Update
At an over nine-hour joint hearing on Thursday, August 20, the Santa Barbara City Planning Commission and the Montecito Planning Commission went over the proposed roundabout project at Coast Village Road and Olive Mill Road with a fine-tooth comb, digging into design details, functionality, aesthetics, and conditions of approval of the project, which is in […]
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Roundup Update
County Responds to Concerns Over Pesticide Spraying in Debris Basins On August 6, acting on a tip from a reader, the Montecito Journal‘s Kelly Mahan Herrick reported that Santa Barbara County Flood Control employees had been spraying Roundup brand weed killer in the San Ysidro Creek debris basin. Since that article appeared, concerned readers have […]
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No Wasted Crises
The triple threat we face could make our country stronger than ever You’ve heard the old saying “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” No question, we are ensnared in a crisis, within a crisis, within a crisis. We have the crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic with 180,000 dead in the United States as […]
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People of Montecito: Barbara Doran
Tell Us About Your Time at Bellosguardo I am one of the last people alive to have known Anna E. Clark and her youngest daughter, Huguette (of the Clark estate, Bellosguardo). My father worked for the Clarks and we lived on the property in a home they built for our family. The Clarks were from […]
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Arts Lockdown Series Part 4: From Space with Astrophysicist Andy Howell, PhD
Transporting us from science to sci-fi films is astrophysicist Andy Howell, PhD. He is a staff scientist at Las Cumbres Observatory (LCO), where a global network of 23 telescopes operate 24/7. His team co-discovered the first “kiloanova” in 2017, two neutron stars that rotate around each other and release gravitational waves, merging to create a […]
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The Man on the Corner
To get on the 101 Freeway heading south at San Ysidro Road, you must first turn left on South Jameson Lane and then drive past the Rosewood Miramar Beach until you come to a stop sign at the corner of Posilipo Lane, just north of the train tracks. In front of you is an unforgivingly […]
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Virtual Book Talk
Santa Barbara-raised award-winning photographer Thomas Kelsey started his World War II photo essay in 1986 and has just now completed the undertaking earlier this year. “75 Years Later – Warbirds, Airman, & Veterans of World War II” serves as a history lesson with facts, figures, and photographs of the wartime effort brought to the forefront […]
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Polo’s PCO, pandemic-style
As with just about everything else that might involve an audience, polo tournaments have also been barred from permitting spectators at their matches. But rather than canceling the season, the Santa Barbara Polo & Racquet Club has carried on sans the crowds, as only polo players, team associates and club staff are allowed to attend […]
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Back to the Garden
Santa Barbara International Film Festival Film Talk finds its way to the Montecito hills for a viewing and discussion of The Garden is Singing, Karen Kasaba’s 11-minute paean to Ganna Walska’s Lotusland that screened as part of the 2019 film festival. Singing does a credible job of capturing the beauty, diversity, history, and breadth of […]
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Good Grief, That Could be the Summer Winner
For Brian McDonald, selecting You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown as the production for Ensemble Theatre Company Young Actors Conservatory this summer was a no-brainer once it became clear that COVID-19 had made his original choice – Hello, My Baby, by Montecito’s Cheri Steinkellner – impractical. Not only had ETC’s Education Director played the title […]
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Farm to Cart – Fresh Food and No Long Lines
Local food activist and Sweet Wheel Farm & Flowers owner Leslie Person Ryan is on a mission to solve the “food desert” of Summerland. The think-outside-the-box purveyor of all things grown from the earth offers fresh fruit, vegetables, herbs, baked goods, wildflowers, and specialty foods made with ingredients from her garden. Person Ryan operates two […]
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Letters to the Editor
Save Those Trees Walking along upper San Leandro Sunday, just west of the bridge, I noticed that many oak trees that line the road are dying. These are the beautiful trees whose canopy stretched over the road and made for a spectacular tree tunnel. But they won’t be there for long. It looks as if […]
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Knowing Your Circle of Control
Julie McMurry starts her new Online COVID Family Update with a joke. “An epidemiologist, an ICU doctor, and a scientist all walk into a bar (or cafe or family gathering or get on a plane). I’m just kidding, they know better.” That joke may not get her on the Jimmy Kimmel show as a hot […]
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Whose Montecito?
by Gwyn Lurie As scores of people flee various pandemic-claustro places for the sunny hills and shores of Montecito, it is time to ask ourselves the inescapable question, “Whose Montecito is it?” This point was underscored by local reaction to last week’s issue of this newspaper which gently poked fun at tabloid culture and expressed […]
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In Passing: Sylvia Brickley Weller (1925 – 2020)
*Reprinted due to previous omissions Long-time Santa Barbara resident and mother of Mark Paul Brickley, Elizabeth (Betsy) Read Brickley-Adams, mother-in-law of Patrick T. Adams, and grandmother of Jackson Adams and Sturdy Adams, has died of natural causes. Sylvia’s paternal grandparents were Elsa Meyer and Heinrich Volkmann, she a concert pianist and he a transportation chief […]
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In Passing: Barbara Benon (April 9, 1932 – July 11, 2020)
Born in St. Louis, Missouri, Barbara was the daughter of Edward and Cecilia Moscowitz. She married Don Kaufman in 1950, and had two children, Kenny and Richelle (Ricky). After the tragic death of her husband in a plane crash, Barbara moved to Las Vegas in order to support her children, where she was a cocktail […]
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Bugle Call
The pea soup fog hung over Tomales Point at Point Reyes National Seashore like a wet, cold blanket in Northern California. We could hear the surf thundering below, but Holly Lohuis and I couldn’t determine how big the waves were, the fog concealing just about everything except the narrow, rolling route out to the wave-battered […]
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Dear Montecito: Stella Pierce
Dear Montecito, Hello, it’s Stella, your friendly, neighborhood column manager. This week I am sharing snippets from my academic (and not-so-academic life) in St Andrews. I’ve never participated in New Year’s resolutions. Indeed, true to my inner nerd, my annual clock has always been set to the academic calendar. As such, my year begins in […]
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