The Thing You Can’t Unsee
By Jeff Harding   |   July 16, 2024

It would be remiss of me to ignore our current political turmoil.  One thing is obvious: You can’t unsee what happened to Biden in the first presidential debate. No matter what he does from that moment on, that performance will be forefront in the minds of voters.  Another obvious thing: Trump isn’t going away. Republicans […]

Do Our Five Monarchs (not including Meghan & Harry) Earn Too Little?
By Jeff Giordano   |   July 2, 2024

I often rage about the fact that our County spending continues to increase (this year by 7.3%), while our population slowly decreases. So, yes, it’s difficult for a devout fiscal hawk to write about salaries that might be depressed, yet in a county that employs 4,763 people there may actually be five individuals – just […]


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The Quickest Twenty Years in History
By Jeff Harding   |   July 2, 2024

It has been said that there has been more technological innovation and more data produced in the last 20 years than, well, no one actually knows, but it has been an unprecedented period of innovation. There definitely has been more data produced than in the entire history of mankind given the amount of material on […]

The Future is What We Make It
By Robert B. Tucker   |   June 25, 2024

Last week I attended Westmont’s annual Lead Where You Stand conference with New York Times columnist David Brooks. As always, Brooks was insightful across a range of topics including providing us with recipes for lifelong growth, speculating where human consciousness may be headed, and revealing how he knew he wanted to be a writer at […]

What’s Rosewood’s Plan?
By Montecito Journal   |   June 25, 2024

I am a lifetime, 8th generation South Coast resident. I have resided in Montecito most of my life. I have also lived in Santa Barbara, Carpinteria and today, Summerland. After attending SBHS, UCSB, and practicing Water & Land Use law locally for over 20 years I am now retired. In my retirement I served for […]

California Dreaming Again
By Jeff Harding   |   June 18, 2024

Since I criticize the great state of California for their policies that don’t work, I thought I would catch up on some recent news that caught my attention.  Minimum Wage California fast food restaurant chains now have to pay their employees $20 per hour. My criticism of these new minimum wage laws said that they […]

Residents Attempt to Destroy Montecito Hot Springs Pools
By Montecito Journal   |   June 18, 2024

On the early morning of May 27, 2024, a group of local homeowners/residents escorted a demolition crew carrying picks and shovels to destroy the Montecito Hot Springs pools. About eight people in all, dressed in black. This event was captured on a video taken by a hiker, a young man, who was en route to […]

  • Why Transparency and Ethics Matter in SB Politics!
    By Jeff Giordano   |   June 11, 2024

    On June 18, the Supervisors will decide whether our revenue-starved County will approve a ballot referendum that would increase our cannabis tax rates. Frankly, I’m not nearly as concerned about the tax itself, as I am about the fact that Supervisors Steve Lavagnino and Das Willams continue to dominate the cannabis conversation. Allow me to […]

    Good Neighbors
    By Montecito Journal   |   May 28, 2024

    I am pleased that the Miramar is proposing adding affordable workforce housing for their employees alongside apartments and shops. Workforce housing helps local residents build a stronger foundation in the neighborhood: it helps both community and business. As the retired Director of the All Saints by the Sea Parish School next door, I was continually […]


    Why is Coast Village Road a Success and State Street a Failure?
    By Jeff Harding   |   May 21, 2024

    I went to the UCSB Santa Barbara Economic Summit held at the Granada Theatre. The place was packed and the presentations were great.  The speakers, Gene Deering, a principal at Radius Commercial Real Estate, host UCSB econ professor Peter Ruppert, and real estate entrepreneur Rick Caruso, were informative and hit on some of the problems […]

    SB County: Attacking Homelessness with Data & Innovation
    By Jeff Giordano   |   May 14, 2024

    As the City of SB laments its not insignificant deficit and the County faces its own budget shortfall, our new Community Services Department Director Jesús Armas seems to be bringing a bit of light to the problem of our time – homelessness. Allow me to explain: For the third straight year, permanent housing placement increased […]

    More Land Loss
    By Montecito Journal   |   May 14, 2024

    I thought you might be interested to know there has recently been more land loss on Butterfly Beach. Also, I have been reporting for years to various bodies about how undermined the pedestrian/bike path is. Well over a month ago they put out signs to warn people. It has been reported in local news that […]

    The Argentinization of America
    By Jeff Harding   |   May 7, 2024

    Argentina is what happens to a country when the people running it have no idea what they are doing. They think they know what they are doing and are undeterred when things don’t turn out so well. Socialist countries suffer this fate. Ditto most government-run economies. I call this process “Argentinization.” I mention Argentina because […]

    Support Your Neighbors
    By Montecito Journal   |   May 7, 2024

    My family home is within walking distance of the Miramar. I am a seventh generation Santa Barbarian. My family and I, along with many neighbors both nearby and across Montecito, firmly support the plan to add affordable housing for the workers of the Miramar, which in part is funded by the addition of retail shops […]
