29 Mar 2022
South of the Border, Down Baja Sur Way
La Paz, Baja California Sur, México. Sometimes, just getting to your travel destination and safely back home is good enough. But when you return and can brag about snorkeling with the biggest fish in the world, which have 300 rows of teeth and don’t eat humans, that’s something. Whale sharks (which are neither whales nor […]
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Spring Travels
First off, let’s visit a small town in Texas. In Samantha Jayne Allen’s Pay Dirt Road, waitress Annie is drawn into her family’s private investigation firm after a fellow waitress disappears from a party they both attended. Allen slowly builds her characters and the atmosphere of a recession-hit town with hardscrabble characters in grimy honky-tonks […]
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Selling Jobs
The Declaration of Independence was famed for its signatories, but Santa Barbara former tech whiz David Palermo certainly knows how to capitalize on his autographs. David, who was a senior product manager at Apple, had the original cover from the first edition of Macworld from February 1984, signed by both founders, Steve Jobs and Steve […]
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One805 Overview
One805, the Santa Barbara charity founded after the Thomas Fire and devastating mudslides four years ago, hosted a boffo bash at the Montecito Club to update its many supporters on its activities. More than 70 guests listened as Richard Weston-Smith, president and co-founder, and John Thyne, a founder and chief financial officer, outlined the popular […]
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A Lunch with Barrett
Santa Barbara Woman’s Club had a record turnout of nearly 100 guests when it hosted its first post-pandemic lunch at the Rockwood Woman’s Club with celebrity gossipeuse Rona Barrett as principal guest. Rona, 85, formerly a regular on ABC’s Good Morning America covering the Hollywood scene, is now an advocate for seniors, having opened the […]
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Amplifying Support for Girls Rock
Girls Rock SB + Amplify has partnered with Parisian ready-to-wear and accessories brand Zadig & Voltaire, for Women’s History Month. For the entire month of March, the French company is donating 10 percent of proceeds for every full-price purchase made from its boutiques and online stores. Syryn Records, a youth-run record label and internship program […]
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Grosvenor’s Sublime Return
Two years ago, British pianist Benjamin Grosvenor was set to launch his first U.S. tour, including a concert at the Lobero Theatre for CAMA, the Community Arts Music Association. But the pandemic put paid to that with all venues being closed and Grosvenor flying back to the U.K., having not played one note. Now, with […]
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Little Book Brings Big Crowd
A boffo bunch of bibliophiles descended on Tecolote in the Upper Village to mark the publication of Steven Gilbar’s Little Book of Montecito Writers, a 160-page paperback including more than 60 authors, which derived from a talk he gave at the village library last summer. The book signing, which benefitted the Montecito Library, also featured […]
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24 Mar 2022
From MAW to LSO
The pandemic sure played havoc with the Music Academy of the West’s (MAW) landmark transcontinental partnership with the London Symphony Orchestra (LSO), postponing both the orchestra’s second appearance in 2021 and nixing the opportunity for fellows who won the annual Keston MAX competition to travel to London to a week with the LSO for the […]
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You’d be hard-pressed to find nonprofits with an origin story more organic and homespun than NatureTrack. The organization was founded 11 years ago by Sue Eisaguirre, who, after raising her own kids with lots of outdoor time, returned to work heading up the docent and K-12 outreach programs for the UCSB Sedgwick Reserve. “It was […]
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22 Mar 2022
Sleeping Beauty Awakes
It was almost two years to the day when State Street Ballet had planned to debut its hugely entertaining version of Tchaikovsky’s Sleeping Beauty, but COVID intervened and the event at the Granada Theatre was cancelled. But it was clearly worth the wait when the talented dancers, under the direction of artistic directors Rodney Gustafson […]
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New Development at the Foodbank
Alisse Harris is the Foodbank of Santa Barbara County’s new chief development officer. A resident of the Santa Ynez Valley, with close ties to both the north and south ends of the county, Harris most recently spearheaded the public phase of Direct Relief’s $40 million capital campaign to build and launch a new warehouse in […]
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New Contemporary Art Gallery
In the heart of Santa Barbara’s ARTS District there’s a new contemporary art gallery – Maune Contemporary – at 1309 State Street, next door to the Arlington Theatre. This is the second location for founders Ramsey and Heidi Maune. Their first being in the Miami Circle Design District in Atlanta, Georgia in 2019. Heidi said, […]
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Unlocking a New Local Band – The LOC DAWGS
Fusing hard rock with their own edge, the LOC DAWGS band is tearing up venues from Santa Barbara-Goleta south through Anaheim, due to play at the vintage club, The Mint,in Los Angeles in March. The group was birthed by multi-instrumentalist songwriter Christian Pelonis (Stolen Thunder and the Shaun Cassidy Band), who wrote, played, and recorded […]
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Reservoir Becomes Empty
On Thursday morning (March 10, 2022) the reservoir on upper Hot Springs Road was empty so no water was going to the estates below. This was because the main pipe had been disconnected for days on end, and the hot springs water that normally flowed into the reservoir poured onto Hot Springs Trail. Will the […]
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Lockwood and Huguette
Lockwood de Forest (Sr.) was already considered one of the best-known landscape painters in the United States when he made his first appearance in Santa Barbara in late 1902. Captivated by the landscape, he painted over 100 oil sketches of the countryside by February 1903. That month, 112 of them were exhibited at Mrs. Tadd’s […]
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History on Display
Santa Barbara Historical Museum is hosting two major side-by-side exhibitions with works by copper heiress Huguette Marcelle Clark and local landscapist Lockwood de Forest. It is the first exhibition of Clark’s impressive artwork since 1931, and is presented in collaboration with the Bellosguardo Foundation, which is running her former magnificent estate overlooking East Beach. Her […]
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Randall Road Debris Basin Moves Forward
This Saturday, March 19, Santa Barbara County Flood Control will take acquisition of 630 Randall Road, the final one-acre property to be acquired in which to build the Randall Road Debris Basin. After a lengthy delay, a recent ruling by the Ventura County Superior Court has given Flood Control the green light to continue building […]
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