Tag archives: stress

Healing the Mind Post-Trauma
By Rebecca Capps   |   May 16, 2023

As a psychotherapist, my primary task is to help people manage their minds to achieve optimal mental health and wellness. I have worked with individuals who struggle with trauma for over 15 years, and one thing is clear: trauma significantly impacts the mind.  The mind is how you process and react to your experiences; therefore, […]

Inspiration and Guidance for Stressful Times: An Interview with Tina Lerner M.A.
By Ann Brode   |   August 30, 2022

Ongoing social and political discord undermine our peace of mind. They also take a toll on physical wellbeing. This shows up for me as a churning gut and layer of fatigue behind the eyes. Others might feel agitation, low energy, headaches, tension, and dry mouth. No matter how it manifests, living through stressful times challenges […]

It’s Time to Move on from COVID, But We Need to Do It as One
By Ann Brode   |   June 17, 2021

The past 18 months have been tough on the emotional body. Dealing with loss, bracing for the unknown, and shouldering through have all taken their toll. If you check in, chances are, you’ll find a layer of tension under a layer of fatigue. The tension is your body’s response to stress and distress; the fatigue […]

Pandemic Pounds: A Mindful Solution
By Nick Masuda   |   May 27, 2021

Petra Beumer, owner of the Mindful Eating Institute in Santa Barbara, is also in the digital detox camp, but also knows that there are many in the South Coast community looking at themselves in the mirror and aren’t happy with the pandemic pounds they’ve added over the past 14 months. According to the American Psychological […]

A Book for These Times
By Ann Brode   |   December 10, 2020

This year marks my fiftieth anniversary as a body therapist and healer. What I eventually came to know as “body wisdom” was the result of working with the wonderful, intelligent people of Santa Barbara and Montecito. For their trust and continued support, I am eternally grateful.  From the beginning, it was apparent that in order […]

Stress Strategies
By Ann Brode   |   October 1, 2020

You know that high stress levels aren’t healthy. You can feel it. Instead of being relaxed and steady, you’re uptight and agitated. It’s hard to focus; it’s hard to sleep. Just Googling “stress” turns out to be, well, stressful. Unfortunately, news sources tell us that things aren’t going to let up anytime soon. So, what […]

Get Off the Couch!
By Michelle Ebbin   |   April 2, 2020

Hello, my social distancing, hand washing friends out there! How are you coping amidst all this mayhem? Does anyone even know what day it is? As the apocalyptic pandemic of COVID-19 intensifies and our collective anxiety increases exponentially each day we remain under quarantine, I think it’s remarkable that any of us can peel ourselves […]

Calm Your Nerves
By Ann Brode   |   April 2, 2020

The looming threat of the coronavirus in our community has left everyone I know feeling agitated and anxious. To protect ourselves and our families, we need to fill the pantry, wash our hands, avoid doorknobs, and stop touching. Who knew we touched our faces so much? Add to this the downline repercussions of uncertain travel […]

By Steven Libowitz   |   February 27, 2020

Sherman, who has facilitated twenty-three yoga-meditation retreats in Montecito before La Casa de Maria fell victim to the 2018 mudslide, will also lead a “MAPs I for Daily Living,” her first offering of the introductory course from acclaimed, scientifically-based UCLA program here in town since last summer. The MAPs I course provides insight into the […]

Pranayama Practice
By Steven Libowitz   |   February 13, 2020

White Lotus Yoga Center hosts its second weekend event of the year, a respiratory relief retreat called The Pranayama Conspiracy. The heart centered yoga retreat weekend workshop taking place February 14-16 is all about consciously honoring breath, which enlightened yogis have practiced and perfected for centuries. Co-leaders Ganga White and Tracey Rich will show participants […]

Just Breathe
By Michelle Ebbin   |   February 6, 2020

Are you stressed out? Is your heart racing, your breath shallow, and your mind scattered and unfocused? If the answer is yes and you’d like an effective, drug-free way to calm yourself down, I have a simple remedy for you that’s scientifically proven to work and literally right under your nose. Every Wednesday at Physical […]

Men Versus Women
By Bob Hazard   |   September 19, 2019

Ever since Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden of Eden for taking a bite out of the “Big Apple,” men and women have been arguing over who is smarter, stronger, and the most trustworthy. So, let’s examine some of those traits. Intelligence Men and women seem to be equal in general intelligence (IQ […]