Author spotlight: Ann Brode

Ann Todhunter Brode has been an Aston Patterning practitioner and body-oriented therapist in Santa Barbara for over forty years. A recognized master in her field, Brode writes down-to-earth, compassionate articles on the challenges & rewards of living consciously in the body. She is author of Body Wise: What Your Mind Needs to Know About Your Body. Visit for more information.

Finding Comfort Outside Your Comfort Zone
By Ann Brode   |   May 16, 2024

Your body tension is like a barometer that registers levels of comfort. Pressure decreases when you settle in to read a good book or sit around a dinner table with good friends. It increases when you enter a crowded room or sit for a performance review. Worry about a problem, pressure goes up; find a […]

Spring Clearing: Time to Declutter and Lighten Your Load.
By Ann Brode   |   March 19, 2024

Growing up in cold climates, I used to sort my winter and summer clothes twice a year. Here in California I just move things around in the closet. Unfortunately, when I simply shift stuff around, I don’t need to think about how my wardrobe functions. Clothes and shoes simply get shuffled, stored, and never really […]

Teeccino: The Premier Coffee Alternative
By Ann Brode   |   December 26, 2023

As the days get shorter and the nights get colder, I find myself seeking out a cup of something warm and tasty. This is the perfect way to shift from busy to quiet; from out in the world to indoor cozy. Whether tucking in with a good book or sharing a warm hearth with friends […]

An Interview with Don MacMannis, PhD Songs with a Message
By Ann Brode   |   October 17, 2023

Don MacMannis, (aka Dr. Mac) has wanted to work with children for as long as he can remember. He tells the story of sitting in a pre-med class at Dartmouth, thinking he was going to be a pediatrician, when it dawned on him that child psychology was his life’s true work. And so began a […]

The Empathy Center
By Ann Brode   |   September 12, 2023

Cultivating a Culture of Empathy: The Visionary Work of Edwin Rutsch Living in these divisive times can undermine our equilibrium and sense of community. We experience the impact whenever a casual conversation veers to issues of the day and the mood sours. In situations where people happen to disagree, it’s even more dramatic as muscles […]

Staying Creative and Engaged Later in Life: A Conversation With Author Karen Roberts
By Ann Brode   |   August 15, 2023

Recently, I sat with author Karen Roberts on the Bonnymede deck listening to the soft sounds of surf nearby and talking about her new book, The Blossoming of Women – A Workbook on Growing from Older to Elder. Always curious about the experience that inspires the writing, I asked Karen to share a bit about […]

Benjamin Fay Brode: 1937 – 2023
By Ann Brode   |   June 6, 2023

Ben Brode had logged a lifetime of exciting adventures out in the world by the time I met him. But when destiny opened the door, he was ready for one more – a 44-year journey of the heart. As he told his kids recently, “when I got together with your mother, it felt like setting […]

The Promise of Springtime
By Ann Brode   |   April 18, 2023

This past winter was particularly long, cold, dark, and rainy. We bundled up and tucked in. Our muscles tightened to generate heat and our bodies shivered to generate more heat. Unfortunately, this natural way of getting warm can become a holding pattern that hangs on long after you’ve warmed up. In other words, months and […]

Pilates With Astrid de Wild
By Ann Brode   |   February 14, 2023

“Each person that comes to me has something to teach me, to this day that is the truth, I keep learning.” Astrid de Wild brought Pilates instruction to Santa Barbara in 1992. Since then, she has helped thousands of people attain their fitness and healing goals. She is one of those extraordinary professionals who bring […]

Harmony: A Way to Heal Discord
By Ann Brode   |   November 15, 2022

After another discordant election season, it’s time to heal the rifts and find ways to live together in loving community. As simple as it may sound, singing together helps us come together. To explore this further, I recently sat down with therapist and singer-songwriter Marilee Gordon to ask about her experience using music as an […]

Inspiration and Guidance for Stressful Times: An Interview with Tina Lerner M.A.
By Ann Brode   |   August 30, 2022

Ongoing social and political discord undermine our peace of mind. They also take a toll on physical wellbeing. This shows up for me as a churning gut and layer of fatigue behind the eyes. Others might feel agitation, low energy, headaches, tension, and dry mouth. No matter how it manifests, living through stressful times challenges […]

Making a Good Impression
By Ann Brode   |   May 10, 2022

Research shows that it takes less than a minute to form an impression about character. Without saying a word, just walking in the room sets the stage. Although this happens at a subliminal level, there are ways to influence the results. All you have to do is ask your aware body to participate.  The majority […]

A Time to Heal
By Ann Brode   |   March 22, 2022

The events of the past five years have left an impression on the geography and flow of our community. They have also left an imprint on your personal life. This can show up as an undercurrent of anxiety, heightened sensitivity to criticism, and intolerance for the slightest inconvenience. Even right now, there may be unnecessary […]

Exploring ESP
By Ann Brode   |   February 15, 2022

Most people haven’t thought much about the connection between their body’s sensory awareness and extra-sensory perception. They consider ESP extra-ordinary and practiced only by adepts or frauds. But, it’s actually available to anyone who pays attention to their inner senses. Although we’re well acquainted with the externals, sound-sight-taste-touch-smell, the internal senses often get overlooked. In […]

The Joy of Cooking Together
By Ann Brode   |   December 28, 2021

This time of year, when days are short and nights are longer, it feels important to celebrate light and be light-hearted. The traditions of Hanukkah, Winter Solstice, Christmas, and Kwanzaa all include lighting candles, singing songs, and feasting together. Although COVID sensibilities have pared down the numbers, we don’t have to cancel the party. Smaller […]

Healing Fiction
By Ann Brode   |   November 16, 2021

Lawrence Spann writes every day in a Mead notebook — with a fountain pen. For him, this practice is more than journaling, it’s therapeutic introspection that allows the unconscious to become conscious. To accomplish this, he writes without an agenda, letting the pen rather than the mind lead the way. What results is a kind […]

Get Your Healthy Body Back
By Ann Brode   |   October 12, 2021

The kids are back in school and there’s a definite chill in the air. Putting on an extra layer reminds me that soon the days will get shorter, and T-shirts will give way to sweaters. As summer segues to winter, it’s a good time to take stock and make some changes. The truth is, I’m […]

Healing Art: A Visit with Pamela Larsson-Toscher
By Ann Brode   |   August 31, 2021

Living in a community that appreciates art adds to quality of life in more ways than aesthetics. Research has shown that simply browsing through an art gallery has the potential to decrease stress and increase our sense of wellbeing. Including an element of visual art in a healthcare setting eases anxiety, stress, and depression for […]

Why it is Important to ‘Check in with Source’
By Ann Brode   |   July 8, 2021

Standing on the threshold of a post-COVID world feels like an opportunity to evaluate the past and make choices for the future. In such transition times, our small-self is asked to align with a big-self perspective. This is when it makes sense to listen to a resource that comes from way beyond and resonates deep […]

It’s Time to Move on from COVID, But We Need to Do It as One
By Ann Brode   |   June 17, 2021

The past 18 months have been tough on the emotional body. Dealing with loss, bracing for the unknown, and shouldering through have all taken their toll. If you check in, chances are, you’ll find a layer of tension under a layer of fatigue. The tension is your body’s response to stress and distress; the fatigue […]

The Face Behind the Mask
By Ann Brode   |   April 22, 2021

“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” – Thich Nhat Hanh The other day, with this topic in mind, I initiated a socially distanced conversation in the parking lot with an anthropology student. We spoke of masks and how they alter non-verbal […]

‘Name It to Tame It’ The Salubrious Effects of Expressive Writing
By Ann Brode   |   March 25, 2021

The hustle-bustle of normal life has given way to a slower pace. My appointment book is empty. Social interaction is masked and brief. Even reliable distractions have lost their luster. With so much time for introspection, unresolved issues and negative thoughts are adding to the stress load. Instead of soldiering on, I’m choosing to use […]

Thinking About the Kids
By Ann Brode   |   February 11, 2021

For one year now, our lives have been upended in ways that were both unprecedented and unexpected. Although we’ve all risen to the challenge and found ways to adjust, a noticeable level of stress-tension has taken up residency just under the surface. An inconsiderate comment, a stubborn child, a dinner gone awry, or someone taking […]

Bringing in the Light for the New Year
By Ann Brode   |   January 14, 2021

Coming to the end of this tough, transformative year, we need to celebrate a new beginning more than ever. Although the first of January is a calendar event, it could be seen as part of a continuum that goes from the Winter Solstice to mid-January. Since early humans first noticed the sun cycles of light […]

A Book for These Times
By Ann Brode   |   December 10, 2020

This year marks my fiftieth anniversary as a body therapist and healer. What I eventually came to know as “body wisdom” was the result of working with the wonderful, intelligent people of Santa Barbara and Montecito. For their trust and continued support, I am eternally grateful.  From the beginning, it was apparent that in order […]

Santa Barbara to Santiago de Compostela: A Healing Journey
By Ann Brode   |   November 12, 2020

For centuries, pilgrims have walked the Camino de Santiago in northwestern Spain looking for absolution, healing, and spiritual inspiration. In recent years, seeking a reprieve from the complexities of ordinary life, people of all faiths have been trekking this ancient route, staying in dormitory-style hostels and collecting stamps in a pilgrim’s passport. Similar to Joseph […]

Stress Strategies
By Ann Brode   |   October 1, 2020

You know that high stress levels aren’t healthy. You can feel it. Instead of being relaxed and steady, you’re uptight and agitated. It’s hard to focus; it’s hard to sleep. Just Googling “stress” turns out to be, well, stressful. Unfortunately, news sources tell us that things aren’t going to let up anytime soon. So, what […]

By Ann Brode   |   September 10, 2020

 “Play is the meaningless moment that makes the day memorable and worthwhile.” – Stuart Brown, MD, author and founder of the National Institute of Play In the first three months of the pandemic there was a lot of COVID-humor in our inbox. We laughed online at ourselves as we coveted toilet paper, binged on everything […]

Staying Grounded, When Everything is Up in the Air
By Ann Brode   |   August 13, 2020

A bit of uncertainty can be exciting. A script with a surprise ending has intrigue. Embracing the unknown is part of the artistic process. But when the reliable routines of everyday life have been scrambled, it’s a whole different story. Negotiating the new normal of social distancing, working at home, and Zoom classrooms has challenged […]

An Opportunity for Healing
By Ann Brode   |   July 16, 2020

The unrelenting disruption and uncertainty of our lives have rattled our emotional equilibrium. Patience has worn thin. The kids are getting scrappy and the parents are getting snappy. Small fractures in personal relationships are showing up and the large rift in our social contract has taken to the streets. This mandatory timeout has put us […]

A Moving Inspiration
By Ann Brode   |   May 21, 2020

The past few weeks of suspended routines, social isolation, and uncertainty have been tough on us and a challenge for our bodies. Regrouping at home and grappling with the full scope of health and financial considerations is a full-time job with lots of scary variables. Even such basics as shopping for food and pumping gas […]

Calm Your Nerves
By Ann Brode   |   April 2, 2020

The looming threat of the coronavirus in our community has left everyone I know feeling agitated and anxious. To protect ourselves and our families, we need to fill the pantry, wash our hands, avoid doorknobs, and stop touching. Who knew we touched our faces so much? Add to this the downline repercussions of uncertain travel […]