Tag archives: graduates
UCSB’s Media Arts and Technology Program (MAT) 25th Annual End of Year Show titled soft AI+ M: Realities Altered Realities Emerging, was a dual treat with students showing at UCSB and SBCAST. I attended the SBCAST show on June 6. The poster for the show quipped, “No AI was harmed in the generation of this […]
Crane Country Day School Graduation The Crane Country Day School 2024 Eight Grade Graduation – “Go Coyotes!” – was held on Wednesday, June 12, at 10:30 am. The walkway to the graduation setting on the sports lawn showcased pencil drawing portraits of the graduates on easels. Parents and families sat at round tables with formal […]
Bustling laughter and a sense of nostalgia filled Lower Manning Park on May 30th, as Montecito Union School alumni and their families reunited after six years, amidst an array of parent-provided sweet treats. The class of 2018 MUS graduates, now the class of 2024 high school graduates, woke up bright and early on a school […]
This graduation issue has, in order of occurrence: the YMCA Preschool, Cold Spring School, Laguna Blanca Lower School, Montecito Union School, the El Montecito Early School, and Crane Country Day School. The Montecito Journal wishes much success and congratulations to our graduates, school faculty, staff, and parents! YMCA Preschool 2023 Graduation The YMCA Preschool 2023 […]
A record three Westmont graduates have earned prestigious Fulbright Scholarships this year to teach and conduct research around the world. Ebun Kalejaiye (’23) will teach English in Spain, Cody LeFebre (’22) will teach English in Colombia, and Valerie Swisher (’22) will study personal experiences and perceptions of mental health care in Hungary. Also, recent graduate […]
Our town’s schools are holding their graduations from May 21 through June 9th this year. The eight local school graduations are covered in order of occurrence. This issue has Our Lady of Mount Carmel and the YMCA Preschool. The Montecito Journal wishes much success and congratulations to our graduates, school faculty, staff and parents! Our […]
Casa del Herrero held a graduation ceremony on Thursday May 25 for the volunteers who completed the docent training program. This ceremony is the first graduation held for docents to formally induct them into the docent body, and will likely continue a new tradition for the organization. The Chair of the Docent Committee, Carolyn Williams, […]
Our town’s schools are holding their graduations from May 21 through June 9th this year. The eight local school graduations are covered in order of occurrence. This issue has Cate School leading the charge with 71 graduates. The Montecito Journal wishes much success and offers congratulations to our graduates, school faculty, staff and parents! Cate […]
Our town’s schools held their 2022 graduation ceremonies from May 29 through June 10. The eight school graduations are covered in order of occurrence with part one in the previous issue (Vol. 28, Iss. 23, June 9) and this issue including El Montecito Early School with 20 grads, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School with […]
Dancing lights, clay formations, and wiggling dresses – just some of the many wonders being worked on at UCSB’s Media Arts & Technology Program (MAT). Attention techies x media artists (and just anyone curious): It is time for the annual MAT Grad shows featuring the latest inventions from their hardworking graduate students. We recently attended […]
Michael Shasberger, who retires as the inaugural Adams professor of music and worship, delivers the address at Commencement Saturday, May 7, at 9 am on Westmont’s Thorrington Field. Westmont President Gayle D. Beebe presents Westmont Medals to Steven A. and Denice D. Fellows for their tireless service and dedicated leadership in improving the delivery of […]
The total local student graduates for this week are 120 — with 74 at Cate School, 11 at Laguna Blanca Lower School, and 35 at Crane Country Day School. For the year, there were 246 graduates at all Montecito schools. We at the Montecito Journal wish all the 2021 graduates success going forward and congratulations […]
They say the most important quality a student can have is “grit.” You want grit? I’ll show you grit — the class of 2021 began its freshman year with the onset of the Thomas Fire, which turned into the subsequent Montecito debris flow causing hundreds of students and their families to evacuate their homes — […]
Ninety-two percent of Westmont graduates from the class of 2020 have found a job or are attending graduate school (or planning to attend) despite a national economy sickened by the coronavirus. “What an encouraging achievement for recent graduates in the midst of a pandemic,” says Paul Bradford, director of Westmont’s Career Opportunities and Vocational Exploration […]
Managing this column, I’ve been put back in contact with quite a few individuals I used to look up to back in my elementary school days. This week we’re hearing from Montecito Union alum and New York University grad, Julia Kupiec. Second grade Stella had myriad compelling reasons to hold Julia in high regard; she […]
As we mark the end of the 2019/2020 school year and head into summer break, we want to honor the graduates of the Class of 2020, all of whom celebrated their commencements without the normal pomp and circumstance of a traditional graduation ceremony. Instead, our local high schools celebrated their seniors in unique ways: from […]
The Montecito Emergency Recovery and Response Group (MERRAG) graduated their first ever community volunteers with CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) certificates on Saturday, November 9. The Montecito Fire Department hosted the intensive 20-hour course. The CERT program educates volunteers about disaster preparedness for the hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic […]
Despite gray skies and a light drizzle, thousands of family members and friends celebrated and cheered the 291 Westmont graduates, who received their diplomas at Commencement May 4. President Gayle D. Beebe gave the Westmont Medals to Rev. Dr. Katherine Wiebe and Lindsay and Laurie Parton. Wiebe, a Christian pastoral psychotherapist at the Santa Barbara-based […]
G. Walter Hansen, a Westmont Trustee since 2002 and professor emeritus of New Testament at Fuller Seminary, speaks at Westmont Commencement on Saturday, May 4, from 9:30-11:30 am on Russell Carr Field at Westmont. President Gayle D. Beebe presents Westmont Medals to Rev. Dr. Katherine Wiebe and Lindsay and Laurie Parton. About 291 students will […]
Eight graduating art majors will offer their capstone art projects, which span oil painting, photography, serigraphy, sculpture, assemblages, and digital painting from April 4-May 4 at the Westmont Ridley-Tree Museum of Art. A free, public opening reception for “OPEN/CLOSE: Westmont Graduate Exhibition” is Thursday, April 4 from 4-6 pm at the museum. “I am most […]