Tag archives: Hattie Beresford

We have 8,000 Reasons to Be Grateful in This Week of Giving Thanks
By Sharon Byrne   |   November 29, 2022

It’s the height of autumn now, with cold nights, falling leaves, pumpkins everywhere, and the most heartwarming of holidays this week. As we look back over this past year, we have a tremendous amount to be grateful for here in Montecito. Yes, the weather and scenery are lovely, and it’s fun to visit the villages […]

A Journey Along Santa Barbara’s Historic Trails
By Hattie Beresford   |   July 12, 2022

John Muir once wrote, “Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you… and cares will drop away like the leaves of Autumn.” The Santa Barbara Historical Museum’s latest exhibition celebrates the region’s increasingly popular hiking trails and public lands. Isolated by COVID, locked out of their gyms, and finally […]

Keep Up the Good Work
By Montecito Journal   |   September 7, 2021

Congratulations and a big thank you to all of those (whose many names are too numerous to list here) who worked so hard to get the Hot Springs Neighborhood Trail completed. We have lots of wonderful hiking trails in our local hills and mountains, but safe paths through our community are sorely lacking.  Let’s hope […]

Once Upon a Time in Montecito
By Kim Crail   |   May 20, 2021

Join us on Thursday, May 20 at 5 pm for a virtual talk titled “Wintering in Montecito” with local historian and Montecito Journal columnist Hattie Beresford. Santa Barbara has drawn winter visitors ever since the 1870s when travel writer Charles Nordhoff promoted Santa Barbara as a health resort. The salubrious waters at Hot Springs Resort […]

Letters to the Editor
By Montecito Journal   |   December 5, 2019

For Your Consideration Bravo on taking the helm at our community’s news hub. I’m excited to see how you balance old and new, and already am encouraged by your first editorial in which you present just one change – no longer publishing anonymous letters. This must be top priority for you to lead with it! […]

Letters to the Editor
By Montecito Journal   |   July 25, 2019

Scary Stats Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation circulating on the web and social media on political and scientific issues, and few people take the time to fact-check statements that contradict common sense or consensus science. In a recent letter to Montecito Journal, using sign removals and research conducted by a PhD in Sociology, […]

Hats Off to Hattie!
By Lynda Millner   |   April 25, 2019

The Lobero Theatre Associates have a winning event every year when they present the Hats Off luncheon in the Loggia Ballroom at the Santa Barbara Biltmore. The members rummage through their closets for those little worn items, a dress hat, dust them off and then tip them to the honored keynote speaker. This year that […]

The Way It Was
By Lynda Millner   |   October 11, 2018

The MClub from Montecito Band & Trust held another Lunch & Learn event at the Santa Barbara Club; this time with author Hattie Beresford speaking about her new book, The Way it Was – Santa Barbara Comes of Age. Hattie has written a local history column for the Montecito Journal for the past 12 years […]

Taxing Situation
By Montecito Journal   |   December 14, 2017

I would like to recommend to Bob Hazard, who wrote the recent Guest Editorial (“California Screaming,” MJ #23/48), that the Los Angeles Times of Tuesday, December 5, published a brief letter from a Godfrey Harris under the subject of “Why we pay taxes”. From Mr. Harris’s point of you, which I agree with, Americans are […]

The Way It Was
By Kelly Mahan Herrick   |   November 23, 2017

Montecito Journal columnist Hattie Beresford has published a new book called The Way It Was~ Santa Barbara Comes of Age. Beresford, a well-known historian and author, tells us the book chronicles the 50 years between 1880 and 1930, when she says our town threw off its Victorian cloak and donned the mantilla of a thoroughly […]