Tag archives: Yom Kippur

Timing is Indeed Everything
By Gwyn Lurie   |   September 21, 2021

Scheduling is never easy where busy people are concerned. It’s less easy when you throw stubborn or otherwise motivated people into the mix. We’ve covered this with the county’s scheduling of an important meeting on Yom Kippur regarding a permit for a cannabis dispensary on Santa Claus Lane. A meeting which has since been rescheduled […]

Why Not Move All the Dates?
By Montecito Journal   |   September 21, 2021

It’s distressing that in 2021, five years after Prop 64, that we have individuals pushing the same fear mongering about cannabis we all learned growing up with Reefer Madness. Today it’s Jana Zimmer and the writers of the Montecito Journal, along with a small number of neighbors in Carpinteria allege that the County of Santa […]

Despite Objection, County Will Not Move Cannabis Meeting from Yom Kippur
By Nick Masuda   |   September 14, 2021

Days after an editorial from local lawyer Jana Zimmer ran in the September 2 edition of the Montecito Journal that challenged the timing of a meeting over a potential Santa Claus Lane cannabis dispensary slated for Yom Kippur (September 16), the County of Santa Barbara has indicated it will not reschedule the meeting, despite a […]

It’s about time…
By Montecito Journal   |   September 14, 2021

It’s about time that we understand that living in a culturally diverse world means that we are also living in and with multiple calendars and structures of time. Philosophers in the 20th century came to understand that time was the most essential dimension of human life. It would not be inaccurate to say that time […]

County Decides to Switch Cannabis Meeting Originally Slated for Yom Kippur
By Nick Masuda   |   September 9, 2021

(Editor’s note: This story is updated with information attained after our print deadline for the September 9 edition of the Montecito Journal) After initially rejecting multiple requests to change an upcoming meeting pertaining to a potential Santa Claus Lane cannabis dispensary due to a conflict with Yom Kippur, the County of Santa Barbara acquiesced late […]

The Cannabis Kings Meet Yom Kippur
By Jana Zimmer   |   September 7, 2021

I am not a religiously observant Jew, but on Thursday, September 16, I have an appointment with God. Yom Kippur — the Day of Atonement — is a once-a-year thing, a standing appointment, and it is important to me. I have kept it on the steps of a temple in France, on a Greek Island, […]

Jews Care About Santa Claus Too
By Gwyn Lurie   |   September 7, 2021

Today’s Community Voices by Janna Zimmer is one I encourage readers, including those who plan for and are elected to serve Santa Barbara County, to read (it’s on page 23). As Zimmer points out, the County of Santa Barbara has scheduled an important hearing to discuss the naturally controversial proposed cannabis dispensary on Santa Claus […]