Timing is Indeed Everything

By Gwyn Lurie   |   September 21, 2021

Scheduling is never easy where busy people are concerned. It’s less easy when you throw stubborn or otherwise motivated people into the mix.

We’ve covered this with the county’s scheduling of an important meeting on Yom Kippur regarding a permit for a cannabis dispensary on Santa Claus Lane. A meeting which has since been rescheduled (kind of, as the revised timing could still interfere with the holiday, but let’s hope not). 

In all this however, apparently, we missed the fact that Santa Claus Lane is not the only dispensary being discussed at this Subdivision Development Review Committee meeting that has been wrongly or insensitively scheduled on this important holiday.

One reader believes that we purposely did not mention another dispensary also on the docket for that day, this one in Goleta, so as not to offend “John Price and his political allies in Santa Barbara.” Let me assure you, this paper is both an equal opportunity offender and defender. There was no discrimination intended, and no pass given for John Price’s Goleta or any other community’s dispensary.

And while we’re on the subject of the need for flexibility and sensitivity in the scheduling of events, the Montecito Journal is walking the walk and has decided to cancel our live City Council Candidate Debates scheduled for September 30, as they interfere with another important event that was scheduled first — Planned Parenthood Action Fund’s event “Politics, Sex, and Cocktails.”

We will instead be meeting with each candidate for the 4th and the 6th District City Council seats to decide whether we will make endorsements in these races. We will record these conversations and share them through the Morning MoJo newsletter and online for your viewing.

We hope you will attend our Mayoral Debate that will take place, as planned, on Wednesday, September 29, at 7 pm via Zoom. Make sure to get registered at montecitojournal.net/debates.

And now, I need to go find myself a properly permitted dispensary.


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