Tag archives: ReadySBC
The Los Angeles area fires are a reminder to be prepared for any emergency situation. Start by registering for the Santa Barbara Countywide ReadySBC Alerts. The system is managed by Santa Barbara County’s Office of Emergency Management (OEM) in partnership with local cities. ReadySBC Alerts provide timely and accurate information during emergencies. OEM’s robust emergency […]
Montecito Fire Department is pleased to present our new website, montecitofire.com. We have revamped our website to better serve our community. This includes a new Wildfire Preparedness StoryMap, a dynamic webpage with informational videos, interactive maps and helpful resources. We developed this StoryMap as an alternative to our Wildfire Preparedness Community meetings. We heard your […]
At this month’s Montecito Association Board Meeting, Montecito Fire Chief David Neels, along with reps from the Sheriff’s Department, Flood Control, and Office of Emergency Management, gave a presentation on the upcoming winter, which is expected to be a heavy rainy season. Chief Neels presented a recap of last winter, in which there was historical […]
As we enjoy the sunny, warm summer weather, Montecito firefighters are acutely aware that our landscape is becoming drier and more receptive to rapid fire growth. It’s a reality of living in this stunning place. “We all live with certain risks,” said Montecito Fire Chief Kevin Taylor. “When it comes to living with the risk […]
Last Thursday officials held a public meeting at Montecito Union School to discuss emergency information prior to the winter storm season. Closing in on the fourth anniversary of the catastrophic debris flow of January 9, 2018, First District Supervisor Das Williams says the community’s level of resiliency, awareness, and communication is better than ever before, […]
Those three little words… No. Not “I love you.” We do love you but we’re talking about: Ready! Set! Go! They are three little words that can make a life-or-death difference if you choose to take them seriously, now. What is a wildfire action plan and what does it mean for those of us in […]
At last week’s Montecito Planning Commission hearing, the commissioners were briefed on the rebuilding efforts in Montecito by director of recovery Matt Pontes, First District chief of staff Darcel Elliott, and County planning staff. The County has been working the last few weeks to assign property owners to case managers and launched a new interactive […]