Emergency Readiness with ReadySBC Alerts

The Los Angeles area fires are a reminder to be prepared for any emergency situation. Start by registering for the Santa Barbara Countywide ReadySBC Alerts. The system is managed by Santa Barbara County’s Office of Emergency Management (OEM) in partnership with local cities. ReadySBC Alerts provide timely and accurate information during emergencies. OEM’s robust emergency management experience and infrastructure are available to cities for swift disaster response and prompt release of critical information throughout crises such as fires, floods, and other disasters.
411: www.readysbc.org
Santa Barbara MTD Holds Online Survey and Town Meetings for Fee Hikes
SB MTD will be increasing fares this Spring. They have both online survey and four town hall meetings scheduled for community feedback in both English and Spanish.
Their pitch is they have not raised the rates for 16 years. “We have carefully reviewed our fare system and are proposing an alternative fare structure that would adjust the base fare from the current $1.75 to either $2.25 or $2.50, consistent with the increased expense of operating services.”
There are no fare increases scheduled in Montecito although a large percentage of rides from the surrounding towns for workers at Montecito businesses and residences use the lines.
The outreach and survey period will run through mid-February.
411: https://sbmtd.gov/farechange
Nutrition for Longevity Classes at SBCC
Santa Barbara City College Continuing Education’s Nutrition for Longevity class starts on January 30 and will be held weekly on Thursdays from 3:15 to 5 pm.
Instructor Gerri Cardillo will teach students how wholesome food can enhance your quality of life and help you live longer. The class will take place in the Carpinteria Veterans Building Meeting Room, 941 Walnut Ave., Carpinteria.
411: Register at SBCC: https://tinyurl.com/sbcclongevity
El Encanto’s Winter’s Harmony of the Senses Day Retreat
For a wellness escape, try out the El Encanto Belmond Hotel Santa Barbara’s Winter’s Harmony of the Senses Day Retreat, offered by their spa.
This is a fully customizable retreat, assembled by you from the list of menu options tailored for healing and tranquility, and in collaboration with PALMA Colectiva. The Spa menu options are a signature massage or facial rejuvenating treatment with celebrity esthetician Linda Ross, a healing lavender plant workshop, a Sound Bath and Reiki treatment, a Peruvian Cacao Ceremony and Meditation, or a Restorative Black Light Yoga session.