Tag archives: psychology

Anusha Garg: UCSB Researcher Discusses How We Access the Conscious Mind
By Stella Haffner   |   December 5, 2023

You know what keeps me awake at night? My stream of consciousness! Ba dum tss! If you’re not laughing, just know that a joke like that would kill at a cognitive psychology conference. But don’t worry, you’re not missing out because this week I am bringing the psychology conference to us with a little help […]

Mind-Body Matter: An Ayurvedic Approach
By Rebecca Capps   |   April 5, 2022

Editor’s Note: Without our health, what are we? Through the pandemic, we have been challenged in countless profound ways. Many of us have faced the loss of loved ones, careers, or even just lifestyle. As discussed by Rebecca Capps below, mental health issues and chronic illnesses are on the rise in the US, and recent […]

Montecito Provided the Platform for Her Ambition
By Stella Haffner   |   November 16, 2021

When I talk to little kids about psychology, I tell them that psychologists are interested in how people think, feel, and act. I like to remind them that there are many amazing things that change about us as we grow up. For example, if exposed to sign language from an early age, deaf children will […]

Calm Conversations in the COVID Era
By Steven Libowitz   |   May 7, 2020

Gail Brenner, the longtime Santa Barbara-based clinical psychologist who held regular weekly Meetups for meditation and more, left town for an extended journey around the world shortly after publishing her book Suffering is Optional: A Spiritual Guide to Freedom from Self-Judgment and Feelings of Inadequacy in November 2018. Now back in the U.S. after a […]

Dreams and How Spirit Guides Script Them
By Steven Libowitz   |   February 6, 2020

Dave Cumes, M.D., leads a two-hour workshop that applies the Shamanic method of dream interpretation in which a psychological interpretation of dreams is seriously limited. To shamans, dreams are often “instructional” in nature and are a gateway to a field of non-localized space/time information through which our spirit guides help us. Cumes will help participants […]

Talk Examines Guiding Teen Faith, Career
By Scott Craig   |   January 9, 2020

Andrea Gurney, Westmont professor of psychology, explores how pastors, teachers, and parents can best support adolescents as they discover God’s place for them at the fourth annual Conversation on Youth and Vocation Friday, January 10, 8:30 am-1 pm in Westmont’s Global Leadership Center. The event, sponsored by Westmont’s Trailhead program, is free and open to […]