Tag archives: police
Forced Entry / 1100 block Glenview Road – Friday, Dec 13, 2024, at 17:49 hrs Deputies responded to an alarm call at the address mentioned above and discovered forced entry into the kitchen area via glass door. The residence was searched utilizing a K9, which revealed a second forced entry point. No suspects were apprehended, […]
Burglary, Trespassing and Battery / 2700 block Padaro Lane, Montecito: Tuesday, Dec 3, 2024, at 13:50 hrs Deputies responded to a burglary in progress. Dispatch advised that the suspect had jumped the gate and was on the property running from security. While responding, security fought with the subject and ended up tasing him. Deputies arrived […]
Breaking / Entering / Burglary / 2500 block Banner Ave: Tuesday, Nov 5, 2024, at 19:02 hrs Reporting Party [RP] came home to find her father’s residence had been ransacked. No damage at any points of entry; RP thinks she left the back door unlocked. Occurred between 1100-1600 hours, and items stolen were a few […]
Burglary/Batttery Westmont College Dorm: Monday, Oct 21, 2024, at 05:52 hrs An unknown suspect partially entered the victim’s dorm through an unlocked bedroom window. While in the process of entering the bedroom, it is believed the suspect sucked on the victim’s toe which is what caused the victim to wake up. The suspect fled the […]
Nudity & Trespassing / Outlook Park: Monday, Oct 7, 2024, at 15:38 hrs Subject was contacted after having been witnessed trespassing on the property –fully nude – and stealing a BBQ grill cover. Subject was contacted and the reporting party signed a citizen’s arrest form. Subject was arrested and booked for being in violation of […]
Our Town news correspondent is happy to report on the recent interview I did with our new Chief of Police Services, City of Carpinteria, Lieutenant Rich Brittingham, South County Operations Division-Coastal. Brittingham and his team of officers provide law enforcement to the unincorporated county areas of Montecito, Summerland, Carpinteria Valley, and to the City of […]
A sea of blue swept over Bella Vista, the sprawling Summerland estate of polo playing hotelier Pat Nesbitt and his wife Ursula, with 500 guests raising around $300,000 with the annual Fun with the Force bash for the Santa Barbara Police Foundation. The popular organization provides financial support for ill police personnel. The bustling bash, […]
Assault / 1759 S. Jameson Lane / Wednesday, Sept 18, 2024, at 23:48 hrs Deputies responded to the Rosewood Miramar for a report of an assault that recently occurred. It was determined that the Reporting Party (RP) was actually the suspect, and he was arrested for assaulting his supervisor with a wooden broom stick. The […]
Sunday, Sept. 8, 2024, at 05:00 hrs: Domestic Disturbance / Santa Claus Beach Deputies were dispatched to a domestic disturbance. The suspect and the victim got into a verbal altercation that escalated into a physical altercation. During the physical altercation the suspect hit the victim on the left side of her face with an open […]
I got a bit of a surprise call last Thursday from Agent Potter, with Union Pacific [UP] Railroad Police. We’d been notified by the County’s encampment response team that UP was coming to do a South County cleanout sometime in April – outreach teams should work to clear inhabitants of camps so that Union Pacific […]
The permits have been filed, and installation is on the way. Montecito will host four new Flock Automated License Plate Readers. We first covered this in September of 2022, when the sheriffs came to our Montecito Association Board meeting to show us the new readers, and request help from our community with placing them. These […]
Oscar winning actor Kevin Costner opened the gates of his Carpinteria oceanside estate for One805LIVE! which attracted 1,500 guests and raised around $1 million for all three First Responder groups – fire, police, and the sheriff – purchasing equipment, supporting public safety and taking care of those who take care of us. Cars were parked […]
The Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office will install automated license plate readers to aid in law enforcement investigations as part of a one-year trial. The trial is part of the National Policing Institute’s Automated License Plate Reader (ALPR) study. ALPRs are helpful in crimes where a vehicle was used. The purpose of the study is […]
We live on Channel Drive in Montecito and along with the neighbors we have sent several emails regarding the lack of Sheriff’s presence since COVID and the increase of illegal activities. Last night was 4th of July and sadly Channel Drive had far fewer families enjoying the fireworks and many more people drinking, flying drones […]
Many in Montecito are conflicted. The senseless killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis has jarred 100 percent of us into re-examining the fight for equal rights and justice under the law. Unfortunately, while our country attempts to come together in its search for racial justice, a highly visible minority of violent rioters and anarchists has […]
Santa Barbara City Council looks into forming civilian review board The killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer more than two months ago has shaken a nation that is still dealing with the fallout. Thousands of protesters remain in the streets of Portland in a tense standoff with police and federal agents […]
Happy 4th of July Even though COVID means we are unable to celebrate the 4th of July at the traditional firehouse pancake breakfast, we can still stop by this month and donate the price of our meal tickets to show our support for the firefighters and staff who keep our community safe. Our family and […]
Not Missing After All Nicholas Schou’s article in the 18-25 June 2020 edition of the Journal is a deeply flawed and misdirected screed against private wells disguised as an “investigation” of “Montecito’s Missing Water.” An alliterative headline to be sure, but missing? It may be unknown, but it hasn’t gone missing. At the outset, when […]
I’m confused. Prior to May 25, law enforcement officers, along with firefighters, doctors and nurses, were celebrated as America’s heroes for showing up as first responders when other workers were told to shelter-in-place. What has happened to unleash a flood of angry protestors with signs that read “Eat the rich. Hang Bankers”; “F*** Capitalism”; and […]
Gratitude for Gwyn My wife and I have been reading the Montecito Journal with pleasure since Gwyn became CEO and Executive Editor. You have greatly improved the overall editorial content of the paper (which I, for one, seldom read under the editorship of your predecessor) and your Editor’s Letters have been uniformly thoughtful and well […]