Tag archives: endorsement

November 8th Election: Our Endorsements
By Gwyn Lurie   |   October 11, 2022

This year the Montecito Journal co-hosted a handful of Zoom candidate forums, all involving local school board races for which Montecito residents will have a vote (the one exception is the SBUSD area #1 seat, for which a smaller portion of our readers will have the chance to weigh in). This is not to say […]

Our Endorsements
By Gwyn Lurie   |   May 17, 2022

As a world and as a county, we face monumental challenges: climate, poverty, education, income inequality, systemic racism and sexism, houselessness, mental health, inflation, access to healthcare, etc… It’s a too-long list of issues that are intersectional and deep. And the only way for our leaders to even begin to unpack such a multiverse of […]

Congressman Carbajal Talks Policy, Democracy, and Coming of Age in the People’s House
By Gwyn Lurie   |   February 8, 2022

The last time I sat face-to-face with Congressman Salud Carbajal was in September of 2020, when we were all optimistic that the pandemic’s end was in sight. That was three years into his stint in Congress. And as honored as he was to be representing this district in the People’s House, he nonetheless seemed burdened […]

The Race for District 4: Why Kristen Sneddon is Our Choice
By Nick Masuda   |   October 19, 2021

The showdown for Santa Barbara City Council’s District 4 seat has been an unexpected, no-holds-barred battle between challenger Barrett Reed and incumbent Kristen Sneddon, who, in the face of Reed’s intense criticism, has chosen to focus on her own strong record as a councilmember, and turning up the heat on her current councilmates. Sneddon, a […]

They Say He Can’t Win. “We” Think “They” Are Wrong.
By Gwyn Lurie   |   October 10, 2021

It’s become a useful axiom in national politics to ask voters: Are you better off than you were four years ago? Applied to the City of Santa Barbara, I don’t know anyone who would answer that question in the affirmative.  I don’t even believe the Santa Barbara County Democratic Party (known to insiders as the […]

Our Endorsements
By Gwyn Lurie   |   February 27, 2020

This political season feels tedious and interminable. Like watching Joaquin Phoenix’s Oscar acceptance speech on a continuous loop. Set to elevator music. And then the elevator gets stuck. Unfortunately, for many of the races that matter to us, we still have eight months to go till November – eight months of promises, sniping, wooing, and […]

Letters to the Editor
By Montecito Journal   |   February 13, 2020

Endorsement Clarification As the Chair of the Santa Barbara County Democratic Party, I would like to respond to the recent editorial which portrays the timing of the Party’s endorsement as unfair. All our endorsement deadlines are listed on our webpage in advance, so individuals interested in being endorsed have ample time to apply. I am […]

My Two Cents
By Gwyn Lurie   |   January 30, 2020

By all accounts, Monday night’s candidate debate at Hahn Hall was a rousing success. Over 300 of Montecito’s finest showed up and packed the house to hear First District Supervisor Das Williams and challenger Laura Capps respond to questions from community leaders and to hear the candidates make their case why he or she should […]