Tag archives: anxiety

The Anxiety of Accomplishment
By Deann Zampelli   |   July 2, 2024

My 16-year-old son recently came home from school, freaking out that he might get a B in an AP class. Historically, this has not been his M.O., but at the beginning of his sophomore year it started to dawn on him that it was time to get to work. He was hearing and feeling the […]

A Time to Heal
By Ann Brode   |   March 22, 2022

The events of the past five years have left an impression on the geography and flow of our community. They have also left an imprint on your personal life. This can show up as an undercurrent of anxiety, heightened sensitivity to criticism, and intolerance for the slightest inconvenience. Even right now, there may be unnecessary […]

Parental Anxiety: Greed knows no boundaries
By Rinaldo Brutoco   |   December 21, 2021

Almost every parent of a K-12 school age child is really concerned about the incessant school shootings that plague our nation. These have been escalating in violence and complexity over the 23 years since the Columbine massacre in 1999, and it is past time for a national conversation on gun violence and young people. If […]

Town Hall Will Aid Those Struggling with Post-Pandemic Re-entry
By Steven Libowitz   |   July 1, 2021

California and much of the country reopening have been met with rejoicing by many people, but not everybody is completely comfortable with jumping right back into their old lives.  That’s the impetus behind Hospice of Santa Barbara’s “Navigating Re-entry” Town Hall, an online forum featuring a half-dozen community leaders discussing the fears, anxiety, and issues […]

‘Name It to Tame It’ The Salubrious Effects of Expressive Writing
By Ann Brode   |   March 25, 2021

The hustle-bustle of normal life has given way to a slower pace. My appointment book is empty. Social interaction is masked and brief. Even reliable distractions have lost their luster. With so much time for introspection, unresolved issues and negative thoughts are adding to the stress load. Instead of soldiering on, I’m choosing to use […]

Roadmap for Rebuilding
By Kelly Mahan Herrick   |   March 22, 2021

As we approach the most significant storm in our area since the debris flow of January 9, the Board of Supervisors last week reviewed and approved a plan to help homeowners rebuild their properties. Public Works reps outlined two significant efforts that are currently underway by both Federal Emergency Management Agency FEMA and the County, […]

Stress Strategies
By Ann Brode   |   October 1, 2020

You know that high stress levels aren’t healthy. You can feel it. Instead of being relaxed and steady, you’re uptight and agitated. It’s hard to focus; it’s hard to sleep. Just Googling “stress” turns out to be, well, stressful. Unfortunately, news sources tell us that things aren’t going to let up anytime soon. So, what […]

The Cure for Nature Deficit Disorder
By Alida Aldrich   |   October 1, 2020

An award-winning, published landscape designer, with over two decades of experience, Alida is well known for designing new gardens, as well as restoring landmark gardens throughout Montecito and Santa Barbara. In the spring of 2021, Alida will be teaching a class in The Principals of Landscape Design through Santa Barbara City College. Between masks, fires, […]

Worriers and Warriors
By Ashleigh Brilliant   |   July 2, 2020

It isn’t often that I make my Psychiatrist laugh – but he did, when, telling him about the events of a recent day, I said, “I was so busy, I forgot to take my anxiety pill.” Yes, I do actually take (in small doses) a pill that is supposed to have a calming effect, and […]

Accessing an Alternative to Anxiety
By Steven Libowitz   |   March 19, 2020

“Sheng Zhen means unconditional love in Chinese, and its purpose is to produce that within ourselves,” said Bryce Lupoli. “What that means practically is that Sheng Zhen helps us live with a quiet mind, a relaxed and healthy body, and an open heart.” Lupoli is one of only a few local teachers of the practice […]

Radhule’s Refuge in the Storm: Connecting in a Time of Conflict and Coronavirus
By Steven Libowitz   |   March 5, 2020

Santa Barbara meditation leader Radhule Weininger sent out a missive to her mailing list over last weekend, and also asked if I could find some space in my column for her thoughts on anxiety over the growing cases of the Coronavirus as well as the coming election. Here’s an edited version: “I am listening to […]

Moments to Meditate
By Steven Libowitz   |   February 13, 2020

If a weekend seems like too big of a commitment, by the way, visitors are always welcome at Sunburst’s weekly meditation that take place every Sunday morning at the sanctuary that exists as a community of practice dedicated to personal and planetary awakening. No experience necessary, and beginners are welcome. You don’t have to do […]

Mindvalley Intuition Training
By Steven Libowitz   |   September 19, 2019

Mindvalley received an unexpected boost when 19-year-old tennis player Bianca Andreescu defeated Serena Williams, one of the all-time greats, in the final of the US Open in New York earlier this month. Asked by journalists how she remained so focus during the raucous tournament, where countless competitors have succumbed as much to doubts and derision […]

Dive into the Divine with the innerU
By Jon Vreeland   |   November 29, 2018

In a world of more than 7.5 billion people, falling into a rhythm that takes futile energy and subtly deters our hearts and minds away from our most authentic inner-self is as common as a misleading commercial on that crafty screen called the television. Material acceptance from ourselves and our peers is the external happiness […]