The First Leap Year Baby at SB Cottage Hospital

Santa Barbara Cottage Health announced its first Leap Year Baby birth!
Our town’s newest resident is Ezra Kai Avila, born on February 29, 2024, at 2:19 am, weighing 6 pounds, 7 ounces, and measuring 19.5 inches in length.
Ezra’s birth is unique as this date only occurs every four years.
Proud parents, Veronica Ortega and Miguel Angel Avila of Goleta were overjoyed by his arrival. As first-time parents, they found Ezra’s Leap Day birth exciting and unique.
Babies born on this rare day are affectionately recognized as “leaplings” or “leapers.” Less than one percent of the global population are born on this day.
The Montecito Journal joins SB Cottage Health in extending warm congratulations to the proud parents and their families on the arrival of their Ezra!
In 2023, nearly 2,000 babies were born at Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital. From the Birth Center to the Mother Infant Unit, to Cottage Children’s Medical Center and Grotenhuis Pediatric Clinics, the Cottage Health staff is honored to offer care and compassion to children in all stages of their lives.