Tag archives: perception

Transforming Perception and Experience Through Miracles
By Rebecca Capps   |   November 14, 2023

Miracles transcend the boundaries of our ordinary understanding, going beyond mere magic tricks or supernatural occurrences. Instead, they offer profound shifts in perception and experience, unveiling a deeper reality that lies beneath appearances. A Course in Miracles by Helen Schucman reveals miracles as natural expressions of love and forgiveness emanating from our connection to a […]

Exploring ESP
By Ann Brode   |   February 15, 2022

Most people haven’t thought much about the connection between their body’s sensory awareness and extra-sensory perception. They consider ESP extra-ordinary and practiced only by adepts or frauds. But, it’s actually available to anyone who pays attention to their inner senses. Although we’re well acquainted with the externals, sound-sight-taste-touch-smell, the internal senses often get overlooked. In […]