Tag archives: LSD

District216: The Jacob Tell Overture
By Jeff Wing   |   April 16, 2024

As acid tests go, this could be a paradigm-changer. Jacob Tell wasn’t always a psychonaut plumbing the Mariana Trench of perception. “Remember Reagan’s Just Say No campaign? I was a D.A.R.E. kid. I had the shirt and the pencil and the lunchbox and all the things that they gave us in grade school.” That was […]

High, Neighbor
By Ashleigh Brilliant   |   July 29, 2021

Until my early 30s, I had never smoked anything. In fact, the practice of smoking appalled me. Sometimes I’d be with a group of friends, and they would start smoking a cigarette of some kind, which they passed from hand to hand. They would invite me to join in, but I made it plain that […]

Psychedelics & Entheogens Workshop
By Steven Libowitz   |   May 30, 2019

EntheoMedicine Santa Barbara has been presenting seminars to satisfy the resurgence of interest in psychedelics spurred by the growing clinical research on their healing qualities for the body, mind, and soul. But all the previous events have been theoretical discussions, with very little in the world of practicality. Psychedelics & Entheogens – Preparation, Integration and […]