Author spotlight: Jeff Wing

Jeff is a journalist, raconteur, autodidact, and polysyllable enthusiast. He has been writing about Montecito and environs since before some people were born. Jeff can be reached at

So Glad We Had This Time: A Love Song
By Jeff Wing   |   July 23, 2024

My rebellious teen years formed me. I was an iconoclast, an outlier, a pugnacious and angry loner dancing on the knife edge of chaos. Refusing to play the idiot game, I skulked around the outskirts of the Established Order and its meaningless rules of conduct, taking wild, ferocious swings at this stupid world and its […]

Jam and Honey: Buh Bye Big Apple. Manchester Capital’s Susan Sofronas has Arrived
By Jeff Wing   |   July 16, 2024

Newish Montecitan Susan Sofronas – recently arrived from the isle of Manhattan – is settling in nicely. She already adores our little woodland getaway, and as we sip java at sun-soaked Bree’osh on Coast Village, she charmingly parses her personal Tale of Two Cities with open delight.  “If you think of New York City – […]

Estate Affairs: “Estate Management” Is a Profound Understatement
By Jeff Wing   |   July 9, 2024

“Estate Management.” You just know this is one of those deceptively tidy terms that contains worlds. Surely one approach to grasping the Estate Management space would be to put the question to an actual Estate Manager. “What constitutes a typical day?” Or maybe not. “Every single day is different,” says Kelly Warner with something like […]

A Little Home Renovation Goes a Long Way
By Jeff Wing   |   July 9, 2024

“Home.” It’s complicated. Home is where the heart is, and where you hang your hat. Home is where – when our best intentions go astray – the chickens come to roost. Are the words House and Home interchangeable? Only loosely. “House” is a structural term, an object subject to space, time, and mortgage amortization. “Home” […]

Studio 44: A Craftsperson’s Louvre in the Upper Village
By Jeff Wing   |   July 9, 2024

Stephanie Kaster has been our village’s Empress of Architectural Interiors for quite a little while now. Is Kaster an actual Empress? No. For one thing, that would make our deciduous little whistlestop an Empire, which hardly suits the place. Does Kaster comport herself like an Empress? If bounding across the room with arms outstretched in […]

The Channel Islands as Curse and Salvation
By Jeff Wing   |   July 2, 2024

‘The Devil in My Friend’ by Ivor Davis Malibu has been called a colony, an enclave, and several other things along an overwrought continuum that can stray into bad poetry. The very idea of Malibu can be so frankly dazzling it beggars reliable description, this macabre strip of trillion-dollar stilted waterfront huts peopled by reclusive […]

Attorney to Hippie to Beloved Literary Gadfly. Steven Gilbar? Yep.
By Jeff Wing   |   June 25, 2024

Yes, there are people in the area you are more likely to have heard of than to have actually met. Jeff Bridges. Carol Burnett. Beloved local mononyms Ellen, Oprah, and Harry. Steven Gilbar is in this category, but with a caveat. The name rings a deafening bell, but where the hell have you heard it? […]

Miki Dora Was Here
By Jeff Wing   |   June 18, 2024

Troubled Surf legend Miki Dora – the Dark Prince of Malibu – remains a cipher. His lifelong desire to live in the moment has made him a mythic figure in the surf pantheon; a stature that in his lifetime royally pissed him off. Pop culture shorthand has reduced Dora to a James Dean for the […]

The Other Hollywood Dynasty
By Jeff Wing   |   June 11, 2024

If you’ve ever watched David Lean’s legendary Lawrence of Arabia on a “hand-held device” (a noun-hyphenate that describes lots of swell gadgets these days) you will have noticed that the film’s breathtaking Battle of Aqaba looks like a bunch of ants streaming across a baloney sandwich. Is cinematic splendor about scale? Yeah, partly. It’s also […]

The Women
By Jeff Wing   |   June 4, 2024

 A Jew and a Palestinian – women, of course – embrace in an otherwise nondescript conference room in UCSB’s Humanities Building. This is not a gesture, not a ceremonial cue for a Special Effect Peace to flood the room like a digital sunrise, not a performative, choreographed moment ablaze with Symbol. Dorit Cypis and Rula […]

Breaking into the Vault of Heaven (O.M.G.)
By Jeff Wing   |   May 28, 2024

The human race can just get over itself now. On the other hand we are the exalted inventors of the Lunar Lander and Franco-American Spaghetti-Os™. This is the tormenting dichotomy of our species. We’re complicated, embarrassed, self-regarding busybodies who have daubed the whole of our vast canvas with the overexcited brushstrokes of a sugared-up preschooler, […]

Grass is Greener (Than Previously Reported) on Both Sides
By Jeff Wing   |   May 21, 2024

In 1936 they released the notorious Reefer Madness, a social horror movie lightly dressed up as a PSA. Reefer Madness lives up to its nominal hypothesis, portraying the effects of cannabis in a terrifying Jekyll-and-Hyde framework that sees gee-whiz youngsters turned into shifty-eyed, maniacally giggling creeps after a single puff. Marijuana was the sinister trojan […]

HTSI – Not Your Grandfather’s Superconductor
By Jeff Wing   |   May 14, 2024

Nature is many-splendored. Imagine a rotund little bird with blue, unkempt feathers, dots for eyes, and a charming little beak. The bird is grasping a branch near the top of a tall, breeze-tossed tree, and periodically emits a lilting series of notes that seize the human heart. Now imagine a throbbing flume of plasma as […]

Moron in a Glass House
By Jeff Wing   |   May 7, 2024

I’d fallen hard for a lovely Dutch visitor to Santa Barbara and made the impulsive decision to drop everything and follow her home. Her name was Judith and “Home” was a lovely town on the Dutch Channel Coast, a place called Monster (etymological provenance: the 11th century monastery that was the town’sseedling) in a province […]

Adrienne Smith’s Daylight Rave
By Jeff Wing   |   April 25, 2024

SUNSENDER. There, I said it. Remember the word. It is the fruit of one woman’s search for everyday magic.  Merrily Merrily Merrily Merrily. Life is But a Dream. Adrienne Smith and three other women climbed into a fiberglass rowboat under the Golden Gate Bridge, shoved off, and rowed to Honolulu; a largish city in the […]

Senior Scams and the Jackasses Who Perpetrate Them
By Jeff Wing   |   April 23, 2024

Yes – as advertised, this week’s essay is about senior scams and the jackasses who perpetrate them. It’s an info-rich message from an avenging angel in the DA’s office. Her name is Vicki Johnson. For a dozen years, Ms. Johnson – semi-retired Deputy District Attorney – has held her own full retirement in abeyance so […]

District216: The Jacob Tell Overture
By Jeff Wing   |   April 16, 2024

As acid tests go, this could be a paradigm-changer. Jacob Tell wasn’t always a psychonaut plumbing the Mariana Trench of perception. “Remember Reagan’s Just Say No campaign? I was a D.A.R.E. kid. I had the shirt and the pencil and the lunchbox and all the things that they gave us in grade school.” That was […]

“An Artist from Day One” Diana Postel’s First Thursday
By Jeff Wing   |   April 9, 2024

Deepest childhood is sometimes recalled as a shadowy dreamscape daubed with startling bursts of color. From that protean sub-basement “mother” ascends the stairs into the light, smiling that smile, and so forth. It’s complicated, as they say. We think of Mom and language fails, obliging us to fall back on gauzy flowers and little heart-shaped […]

More to the “Y” than Meets the Eye — George Leis, Suzanne McCormick, the YMCA, and the Pope
By Jeff Wing   |   April 2, 2024

George Leis is Montecito Bank & Trust’s President & Chief Operating Officer, a familiar presence in the Village – and a famously nice guy. Once described in these pages as “…so upbeat, ordinary bankers shrink from his presence like goblins nearing sunlight,” Leis is a dedicated and indefatigable volunteer for the community he loves. In […]

End of An Age
By Jeff Wing   |   March 26, 2024

It’s far-flung 2024 – a sci-fi date Stanley Kubrick couldn’t be bothered to foresee. Paul McCartney, who once upon a time jumped for joy in slow motion alongside his teen bandmates, now dresses in layers and is photographed somberly walking around with a grizzled gray jaw – the proper end of an era whose curtain […]

Let’s Hear it for Tom Snow
By Jeff Wing   |   March 19, 2024

Third-grader Tom Snow came home from school one day with the devastating news that most parents regard as the sum of their deepest fears. “I told my mom that I wanted to play the trumpet.” When the poor woman had regained her composure, she gently but firmly took Tom by the shoulders and aimed him […]

Alice Tran: Tough as Nails
By Jeff Wing   |   March 12, 2024

In the war’s aftermath there were hundreds of thousands of scores to settle, and the new government wasted no time getting down to business. Former army officers, religious leaders, those who had worked for or with Americans or the old government; they were all asked to register with the new authorities, who would call them […]

Cecily Barth Firestein at the Funk Zone’s Art & Soul
By Jeff Wing   |   March 5, 2024

A New Yorker, iconoclast, and pioneering expressionist painter and printmaker, Cecily Barth Firestein’s “career” as an artist paralleled – and was subordinate to – what she would surely have described as her first calling of wife and mother. Therein lies a story. Firestein’s large format wonders will be on display in the Funk Zone’s communal […]

Richie Slater Crosses the Interior
By Jeff Wing   |   February 27, 2024

Richard Slater – Englishman, explorer, cultural spelunker, and during a particularly trying economic downturn in his native Liverpool, a bin-man – gathered his strength. New York City had been kind to him but was draining him of precious lucre. He’d spent his time well – hung out with a couple of Dutch tourists (scions of […]

The Gentleman from Liverpool Will be your Server This Evening
By Jeff Wing   |   February 20, 2024

LONDON (1982) – Richard Slater, anecdotist, adventurer, and future server at San Ysidro Ranch’s legendary Stonehouse Restaurant, hoisted his backpack in a gesture of fortitude. A wall of glass gave onto the gigantic, riveted machine that would presently loft him out of Heathrow Airport and deposit him at JFK in New York City. Slater stared […]

The Words Get Stuck in my Throat
By Jeff Wing   |   February 13, 2024

Montecito is a movie town in many respects, and that is a marvelous thing. Yes, I’m a cinephile! My creative hero has long been the director/auteur – an art rebel with the heart, spine and creative ballast to swim upstream in pursuit of a singularly iconoclastic vision. David Lean, Truffaut, Campion, Bogdanovich, Welles, Ephron, Gerwig, […]

Stratus Produces Water from Nothing. Questions?
By Jeff Wing   |   February 6, 2024

James Margolles is a tall guy. When he stands next to his company’s groundbreaking “water cooler” and companionably places his hand atop it, there is a sudden but fleeting C3PO/R2-D2 vibe. But Margolles is not a droid (to say the least); he is an entrepreneur. Like many a brilliant and initially understated startup in the […]

Larry Nobles has Found his Family. We Should all be so Lucky.
By Jeff Wing   |   January 30, 2024

Happiest Man Alive is a tough claim to quantify – but when they decide to hand out an honorary statuette for the title, Larry Nobles will be a red-carpet nominee. “The way the stars aligned to make all this happen is just unbelievable,” he exults. Nobles and I are sitting at the gorgeous off-hours bar […]

Montecito’s Dirt Bike Days
By Jeff Wing   |   January 23, 2024

Montecito! (excuse me) While our fairly liquid little village has never been known as the “Home of the Mink Stole,” neither has it ever sported the tagline “Central Coast Epicenter of Tweens Helling around on BMX Bikes.” That branding would likely have been discouraged by the Montecito Association. The descriptor, though, would not have been […]

Location Location Location
By Jeff Wing   |   January 16, 2024

Montecito’s proximity to Los Angeles has long made our village the jewel in the crown for location scouts seeking blue-chip environs for unforgettable Hollywood classics. And then there is the great Olivia de Havilland’s silver screen zenith and its intersection with Montecito. “They shot Gone with the Wind in Montecito?!” No, you lovable fool. I’m […]

Ivan Rasmussen and Dr. King: A Fork in the Freedom Road
By Jeff Wing   |   January 16, 2024

Sometimes you idly head downtown to hear a public speaker and end up in Tanzania. It happened to Ivan Rasmussen. “I went to my apartment,” Rasmussen recalls of the fever that gripped him following the event. “I took out my pen and writing pad and got started. By midnight I’d essentially organized a civil rights […]

Santa’s Sleigh on E. 54th: Teran Davis’ Mold-Breaking Holiday Mission
By Jeff Wing   |   December 26, 2023

Teran Davis is one of those people. While the rest of us are gauzily imagining the summit over sips of cabernet, Davis is kneeling in a blizzard and hammering in her tent stakes at base camp. With a grin. “I just believe in saying ‘Yes’ in life,” she delicately explains. “A few years ago, I […]

A LOCAL Journey: The Path from Tech Entrepreneur to Restaurateur
By Jeff Wing   |   December 26, 2023

“I cooked my way through college. I was the cook in our fraternity for a while because our actual cook quit, along with a couple other guys. So I made meals for 50 guys, six days a week. That teaches you how to cook pretty fast.” Not to worry; “Frat House Epicure” does not define […]

Intro to Overture: UCSB’s Future Film Legends Seek Resources and Dangle Carrots
By Jeff Wing   |   December 19, 2023

I spoke with Writer/Director Iris Ortega Quevedo and Producer Isabella Leonard about their UCSB Film Studies project; a short, wordless feature called Overture that is already creating buzz. “Student film” suggests the fledgling efforts of young academic cinephiles feeling their way forward. On the other hand we have George Lucas’ THX 1138 [Star Wars], Greta […]

Deck the Hills with Vows of Dali Another Not-at-all-Surreal Gift-Giving Compass
By Jeff Wing   |   December 19, 2023

Here at the MJ we’ve taken great pains (not literally – this is a self-congratulating figure of speech) to throw light on your seasonal gift-giving panic; to add a spark to this season of beneficence. Gifting anything to a loved one – be it an original Van Gogh or a silken beach stone made lovely […]

A Holiday State of Affairs
By Jeff Wing   |   December 12, 2023

Changes to Santa Barbara’s State Street – recently reborn as a cozy, sun-soaked pedestrian promenade – have transformed the palm-lined commercial-and-arts district into an almost park-like destination for calming and convivial holiday shopping, the salt-scented, sparkling beach mere blocks away. Seriously. How do we love State Street over the holidays? Let us count the ways… […]

Businesses Bring the Holiday Spirit to Town
By Jeff Wing   |   December 12, 2023

Summerland – an impossibly picturesque village arrayed along .7 miles of oceanfront hillside – will be rolling out its holiday finery for the aptly-named Winter in Summerlandthis coming Saturday, December 9, from 11 am – 4 pm. In the event, 38 of the town’s businesses will be opening their doors to offer holiday spirit to […]

Winter Shopping in the Land of Summer
By Jeff Wing   |   December 5, 2023

It’s that time of year again. We have communally checked the Large Flightless Bird box and stumbled right over the line into “The Holidays.” Yes, your bone-dry and otherworldly delightfully moist and aromatic Thanksgiving turkey was an absolute hit. Your Aunt Marge’s startling “Pea Mush” was likewise well-received, producing the usual bug-eyed attempts to swallow […]

Poster Artist Rick Sharp: Ambassador of ‘70s-era Santa Barbara
By Jeff Wing   |   November 21, 2023

There are people who so inhabit and illuminate their respective epochs, their lives can seem almost foreordained. Add to that list a starry-eyed surfer from Houston named Rick Sharp, whose canon of poster art so deeply captures the ‘70s ambiance it can truly be said to have helped define it. Sharp will be discussing and […]

Mr. Green Goes to Sacramento
By Jeff Wing   |   October 24, 2023

Local Nonprofit Lion Moves to the Heart of Service Geoff Green smiles a lot in conversation, and he’s smiling now. This is not the tactical smile produced through gnashed teeth (you know the one), but a genuine show of pleasure in the moment. This can be disorienting to the part-time social cynic. Or so I’ve […]