Tag archives: high school
Most high schools in California require around 60 hours of community service in order to graduate. What does it mean when a student does 40 times that amount? Eighteen-year-old Annika Wagner is a 2023 graduate of Dos Pueblos High School. During her junior high and high school years, she completed more than 2,000 hours of […]
The top Southern California high school baseball players in the class of 2024 and 2025 will be showcased at the Area Code Tryouts hosted by the Milwaukee Brewers July 6-7 from 9 am to 4 pm at Westmont’s Russell Carr Field. Scouts from many top NCAA colleges and the MLB will be in attendance. Afterward, […]
On May 30, 2022, around 10:30 pm, several concerned community members called the Santa Barbara Police Combined Communications Center to report they heard loud, unusual noises and breaking glass coming from Santa Barbara High School property. Several Officers responded to the High School to investigate the reported suspicious activity. When Officers arrived on scene, approximately […]
Nearly 40 local high school students enrolled in an AP physics course visited Westmont on May 16 for a hands-on exploration into how the universe behaves. The event, Understanding Physics from Galaxies to Particles, was led by Ben Carlson, Westmont assistant professor of physics. “We are asking the fundamental questions: What is the universe made […]
As if persevering through a pandemic isn’t sufficiently perplexing, Santa Barbara High’s theater arts department is undertaking the challenge of cramming years of classic sagas into a single evening performance. In The Iliad, The Odyssey, and All of Greek Mythology in 99 minutes or less, written by Jay Hopkins and John Hunter, the student actors […]
You may find this hard to believe, but it wasn’t until after I had gone all the way through the British school and college system, and emigrated to the U.S., with a bachelor of arts degree in history, that I became aware of the fact that “education” is a subject which can itself be studied […]
On Wednesday, January 29, 2020, Laguna Blanca School will host its third annual TEDxLagunaBlancaSchool event. With this year’s theme set as RE.IMAGINE, speakers and attendees will be encouraged to re-think what they know, rebel against what’s been done before, and re-discover truths about society and the world around them. Members of the student team have […]