Tag archives: Community Dividends
It was a splendid kickoff for Yuletide when Montecito Bank & Trust hosted its 21st annual Community Dividends lunch at the Hilton, which distributed $1.1 million among nearly 200 local nonprofits. More than 280 guests turned out for the seasonal meal in the oceanside hostelry’s tented rotunda for the joyous occasion – which since its […]
It was a spectacular start to Yuletide when Montecito Bank & Trust held its 20th annual Community Dividends awards lunch, which normally divides $1 million among myriad local charities. But this year the Hilton event for 300 guests was one with a decided difference as the bank, founded by the late Michael Towbes, awarded a […]
It was a very in-tents occasion when Montecito Bank & Trust erected a giant marquee in the rotunda at the Hilton for its 17th annual Community Dividends lunch when $1 million was given to 179 worthy organizations from the local community. The late Mike Towbes, founder of the bank, always described the event as his […]
What – exactly – is a bank? A bank is a financial institution licensed to receive deposits, make loans, and attach ball point pens to countertops with little chains that are inevitably too short by about an inch. A bank, if it chooses, will also advise on managing your wealth, will exchange your greenbacks for […]