Tag archives: bees

Surf Photography to Honey Bees
By Kim Crail   |   June 7, 2022

Summer is fast approaching and Montecito Library is hosting a Summer Reading Program for folks of all ages. See our calendar at SBPLibrary.org for what’s happening! We are delighted to invite everyone to two library programs in June with professional photographer and beekeeper, Branden Aroyan. Bearing the gift of fresh honey from Hope Ranch beehives, he […]

David Mitchell: Blue Ridge Honey
By Carly Williams   |   May 17, 2022

Hot tea or golden toast topped with a drizzle of locally crafted honey in the morning is therapeutic… and delicious. Crafted locally in Ventura, each drop of the delicate, sweet molten gold of Blue Ridge Honey is 100% pure, raw, and unfiltered. Beginning as a family hobby in the late 1970s, Blue Ridge Honey has […]

A Wylde Ride Through Life
By Zach Rosen   |   August 5, 2021

Like a meandering bee, life doesn’t always take a straight path. For Dylan Wylde of Wylde Works, his indirect path is intended, spending his life not just stopping and smelling the flowers, but also collect their pollen. Open since 2010, Wylde Works is known in the area for its raw honey and meads and other […]

Beekeepers Guild of Santa Barbara Announces Springtime Schedule
By Nick Schou   |   April 22, 2021

With Santa Barbara’s long-awaited springtime flower blooming season already strongly underway, Santa Barbara’s Beekeepers Guild is hoping to encourage local residents and homeowners to help our county’s bee population thriving. You don’t have to be a beekeeper to do this, the guild says. In fact, planting flowers that bees like may actually be more important […]

Beekeepers Guild of Santa Barbara Announces Harvest Festival Award Winners
By Nick Schou   |   November 19, 2020

Earlier this year, the Journal highlighted the laudable efforts of our local beekeeping society, the Beekeepers Guild of Santa Barbara, to promote the health and welfare of our local pollinators. Aside from promoting best practices for maintaining beehives and providing resources for humane hive removal, the group also urges local residents to maintain bee-friendly gardens, […]

Sex You All
By Ashleigh Brilliant   |   October 29, 2020

You’ve all, no doubt, been eagerly waiting for me to write something about Sex – so, here it is: Has it ever occurred to you that “sex” spelled backwards is “xes,” which might be pronounced as “excess,” which, of course, means “too much.” Such considerations make me hesitate to go any further into this subject, […]

The Film About Local Beekeepers That is Causing a Buzz
By Calla Corner   |   September 10, 2020

Although there is still a dispute over whether it was Napoleon or Adam Smith who coined the phrase “The British are a nation of shopkeepers,” there is no dispute that beekeepers in Santa Barbara want to convince us that America is a “nation of beekeepers.” The Beelievers, a short documentary made by UCSB graduate filmmaker […]

Santa Barbara Beekeepers Guild Hosts a Bee-Friendly Garden Contest
By Nick Schou   |   May 7, 2020

Ever since 2013, the Santa Barbara Beekeepers Guild, an offshoot of the Santa Barbara Beekeepers Association, has dedicated itself to educating children about bees and other important pollinators by bringing live insects to school. The guild, which has about 85 members, both bee enthusiasts and beekeepers, also provides free bee rescues to local residents, so […]