Diggin’ the Beats…and Dignity

By Steven Libowitz   |   December 12, 2023

Even more locals know about Unity Shoppe’s annual holiday telethon, which was co-founded by Montecito’s own Kenny Loggins during the heyday of his career back in the mid-1980s. That was also when the nonprofit opened its first store after six decades of moving around, engendering the idea of maintaining dignity and autonomy for low-income residents in need. That still pervades all of Unity’s work, hence the theme for the 37th annual telethon – “Dignity in the Community” – which takes place 5-8 pm on December 8 at the Kenny Loggins Event Center on Sola Street, and airs on KEYT. Performances and conversations with local heroes including Loggins and fellow long-time Unity supporters Brad Paisley, Rob Lowe, Michael McDonald, and other celebrity surprises are earmarked to both entertain and encourage support. 

“They’re all just so proud and grateful that Unity is still functioning and doing well, and that they have the opportunity to be a part of keeping it going and helping it to continue for another 100 years,” said Angela Miller-Bevan, Unity’s executive director and CEO.

Details at www.unityshoppe.org.


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