Tag archives: Titanic
Yellowstone star Cole Hauser has a distinct Santa Barbara connection and has just become the face of Lucky Brand’s holiday collection. Hauser, 48, recounts his “idyllic” upbringing in our Eden by the Beach with his film producer mother Cass Warner. Hauser, who has co-starred with Carpinteria actor Kevin Costner on the CBS series for five […]
Gordon Frickers, an old friend who used to be my photographer on The Falmouth Packet when I started my career, has morphed into a very competent maritime artist. Now living in Brittany in the north of France after 25 years in the seafaring city of Plymouth, Devon, Gordon has just completed a two-year project of […]
What a perfect theme for the perfect place! That was the Santa Barbara Maritime Museum (SBMM) transformed into the White Star Line R.M.S. Titanic, the ship of dreams. As co-chairs David Bolton and Cindy Makela said, “Love Boat was too corny.” Titanic had drama. It took us back to April 15, 1912. The Titanic was […]