Tag archives: Thrive
More than 170 guests were in the pink when the Breast Cancer Resource Center hosted its 15th annual THRIVE fashion show at the Montecito Club, raising $100,000. The event was originally scheduled for the club’s expansive lawn, but the unusually chilly weather forced a last-minute change to indoors where the fires were roaring. Ubiquitous DJ […]
More than 100 guests were in the pink when the Breast Cancer Resource Center hosted its 14th annual THRIVE fashion show around the rustic lily pond at the Belmond El Encanto raising in excess of $75,000. Breast cancer survivors Lisa Couch, Beverly King Dorsey, Barbara Urbonas, Marietta Jablonka, Judy Blanco, and Melinda Rogers modeled fun […]
Breast Cancer Resource Center’s (BCRC) main word is “Thrive.” “From the core of oneself, a Thriver taps deeply into innate courage so as to reshape and redefine life’s undesirable circumstances and emerge vibrantly anew.” To thrive is like a plant; to grow vigorously. Every year, BCRC gives a fashion show and luncheon with the models, […]
Webster’s Dictionary defines thrive as a verb meaning “to grow vigorously, flourish” or “to progress toward or realize a goal despite or because of circumstances.” No wonder the Breast Cancer Resource Center of Santa Barbara – the nonprofit that provides free educational resources and unique support services for women currently facing a breast cancer diagnosis […]