Tag archives: The Mesa
We can’t help but smile a bit brighter this time of year — the holidays just elevate the already epic nature of our slice of South Coast heaven. With this being our final issue of 2021, we naturally sat back and tried to highlight some ways you can enjoy the holidays, both alone and with […]
A recent Friday afternoon stroll down Cabrillo Boulevard brought about a sight that hasn’t been seen in more than 18 months — the Santa Barbara City College football team getting in an afternoon practice at the recently refurbished La Playa Stadium. With SBCC Athletics shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic since the spring of 2020, […]
Santa Barbara has had many personalities in its long-storied past. From the large, successful native American Chumash community ten thousand years ago to the Spanish and Mexican eras in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries to the present, world-renowned destination resort, people have continuously been drawn to this spectacular place on California’s South Coast. Unfortunately for […]