Tag archives: success

New Year’s Resolutions Resolved
By Rebecca Capps   |   January 17, 2023

Every New Year, people create resolutions: Lose weight, eat healthier, drink less, etcetera. However, research indicates that a whopping 80% of New Year’s resolutions fizzle by February. I just learned there’s even a term for it: “The February Fail.” But what if you reframed how you talked about failure (as not the opposite of success […]

Success Comes in Many Different Forms
By Cassie Lancaster   |   December 14, 2021

For nonprofits, there are many barometers of success.  One is fundraising, obviously. The more a nonprofit can raise, the better its odds become of fulfilling its mission. Another is outcome. One advantage enjoyed by Mission Scholars, the program I run under the aegis of the Santa Barbara Education Foundation, is that its goals are clear-cut […]

Searching for Ladders to Climb
By Stella Haffner   |   September 7, 2021

Bringing my laptop downstairs to work in the few minutes I spend waiting for the kettle to boil is what my flat mates call the “American work ethic,” and they find it more than a little disgusting. For many Montecito kids, you would have to take a crowbar to separate the person from their ambitions, […]