Tag archives: Strong Towns Santa Barbara

Where Should We Build?
By Sully Israel   |   June 4, 2024

This week, I’d like to show you how using data can help us make smart, informed decisions when it comes to urban planning and the future of our city. Using the new tool close.city, we can visualize where the most walkable and bikeable areas in the city already are. Depending on which layers are selected, […]

Are Cars the Answer? The Fresno Case Study
By Sully Israel   |   April 30, 2024

Once again, our mayor has taken to the Independent to air his concerns over State Street, and as usual those concerns are at odds with the other council members, the general public, and all available facts and studies. But let me take a step back and talk about something positive. Over the last month, Strong […]

STSB Part 3: Why Strong Towns SB Supports a “Flat and Flexible” State St.
By Sully Israel   |   July 18, 2023

Let me say this upfront: Of the three State Street designs presented to the State Street Advisory Committee by MIG Design at their meeting on May 24, the members of our local nonprofit advocacy group, Strong Towns Santa Barbara (STSB), support the “Flat and Flexible” option – the one most focused on the comfort and […]

STSB Part 2: Results From the Bike Count Along State Street
By Sully Israel   |   July 4, 2023

At the last State Street Advisory Committee (SSAC) meeting, one of the biggest points of contention was cyclists on State. Members had lots of questions. Why are bikers there? Are they using it as a thoroughfare, or are they shopping on State? Is it just tourists or locals? Both MIG, Inc., who’s been contracted by […]

An Intro to STSB
By Sully Israel   |   June 27, 2023

If you’ve read anything about the State Street Advisory Committee meeting on May 24, it was probably about how tense the meeting was, how many committee members disagreed, and how public comment was a bit heated. Nick Welsh of the Independent called it a “bumpy start.” Councilman Oscar Gutierrez was a bit less delicate, stating […]