Tag archives: relaxation
This year marks my fiftieth anniversary as a body therapist and healer. What I eventually came to know as “body wisdom” was the result of working with the wonderful, intelligent people of Santa Barbara and Montecito. For their trust and continued support, I am eternally grateful. From the beginning, it was apparent that in order […]
You know that high stress levels aren’t healthy. You can feel it. Instead of being relaxed and steady, you’re uptight and agitated. It’s hard to focus; it’s hard to sleep. Just Googling “stress” turns out to be, well, stressful. Unfortunately, news sources tell us that things aren’t going to let up anytime soon. So, what […]
The looming threat of the coronavirus in our community has left everyone I know feeling agitated and anxious. To protect ourselves and our families, we need to fill the pantry, wash our hands, avoid doorknobs, and stop touching. Who knew we touched our faces so much? Add to this the downline repercussions of uncertain travel […]
Twenty-year veteran Santa Barbara yoga teacher Kat Connors-Longo leads a two-hour introduction to the practice of yoga that serves as a great opportunity for beginning students who would like to learn yoga basics as well as a chance for yoga students of all levels who would like to review the fundamentals of the practice. Questions […]