Tag archives: president

States’ Rights for Slavery and Abortion?
By Robert Bernstein   |   January 16, 2024

Presidential candidate Nikki Haley was asked by a voter in Berlin, New Hampshire, “What was the cause of the United States Civil War?” She treated it as some kind of trick question. After three rounds back and forth, she never mentioned the word “slavery.” Obviously, she did not want to alienate racists in her base. […]

By Richard Mineards   |   October 31, 2023

Former TV talk show titan Oprah Winfrey, 69, suggested teaming up with Senator Mitt Romney on a 2020 White House run to beat out Donald Trump, according to a new book. There has always been frequent speculation that Oprah, a longtime resident of our rarefied enclave, had political aspirations, and analysts said her popularity and […]

Letters Need Word Limits
By Montecito Journal   |   April 4, 2023

I think it’s time to cede Bryan Rosen space as a columnist; there is no other way to describe his way-too-regular contributions on a single topic. Certainly, no one can doubt his passion for the Hot Springs Trail and its attendant issues, but his letters exceed the accepted word limit by hundreds; often they cannot […]

Picking the President in 2024
By Bob Hazard   |   February 28, 2023

Political pundits still predict a polarizing presidential prizefight in 2024 between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. It seems inconceivable that voters of either party want a rematch between two tired octogenarians. Trump would be 79, Biden 82. John F. Kennedy was 43 when elected to the Oval Office. How does one choose between the divisiveness […]

A Bear’s Thanksgiving
By Montecito Journal   |   November 22, 2022

Carlos, The Bear, stood at the head of the table as Old Fox, Wise Owl, Connie Cougar, and Rocky Racoon, took their seats. Laid out on the table was a Thanksgiving dinner that couldn’t be beat. A Turkey, with all the trimmings and Carlos’ famous grub, berry and acorn mash, stuffing, it was a meal […]

Santa Barbara County Election Results – Ongoing Counts – Stay tuned here for updates
By Tim Buckley   |   November 4, 2020

The results for the Santa Barbara County Election are trickling in! Click the links below to be in the know. Nationally, the race to the presidency has yet to be called. Mail-in ballots in crucial states are still being counted to determine our next president, which may take some time to complete. But in the […]

By Gwyn Lurie   |   October 29, 2020

I’m told that when we have something important to say, we should say it as succinctly as possible. I don’t always adhere to this, but here goes… Don’t fear. Don’t dread. Don’t complain. Don’t regret…. VOTE! Or, as said by others more esteemed and eloquent than I: “One of the penalties for refusing to participate […]

Voting Matters
By Sara Miller McCune   |   September 24, 2020

Most of us take voting as a right, which we may (or may not) choose to exercise. To me, voting is a privilege that I cherish and use in every primary and election. How else can I – together with my fellow citizens – put leaders in place with the authority to govern us wisely […]

British Visit
By Richard Mineards   |   June 13, 2019

President Donald Trump‘s three-day state visit to the U.K. to meet with Queen Elizabeth and other members of the Royal Family, as well as celebrating the 75th anniversary of D-Day, brought KEYT-TV anchor Beth Farnsworth to Maison Mineards Montecito for an interview in my cottage garden. The visit by Trump and his willowy wife Melania […]

Overhead Wires = Aesthetic Blight
By Montecito Journal   |   May 24, 2018

I have lived on Santa Rosa Lane for over 30 years. The ugly power lines have always been a blight on what should be beautiful mountain views. Years ago, I asked Southern California Edison to take a look at the mess for safety reasons and to discuss the possibilities of putting the wires under the […]