Tag archives: Montecito Creek Water Company
I’ve been reading some excellent opinions in the Journal. Writers are challenging the Montecito Creek Water Company’s claim to the wonderful life-giving Montecito Hot Springs. These writers are right, we need to unite for the Earth, everywhere we can. I figure, if we’re taking on one water user, we’re taking on all water users. For […]
As a longtime reader of the Montecito Journal, I am disappointed in your magazine under new ownership. I always looked forward to reading the Letters to the Editor. Not anymore. It appears you only publish letters about Montecito or ones that reflect the views of the left. Do you not understand that some of us […]
Again, Mr. Emanuel in his latest letter (February 24, 2022) puts words in my mouth that I never said. Regarding a shuttle, he says “…where is the pickup parking lot to be? Bryan has suggested Mt. Carmel…” I never suggested the Mt. Carmel Church for a shuttle. He goes on to say, “What we are […]
It’s interesting that one person getting water from the Montecito Creek Water Company, Mr. Jon Emanuel, and not the company itself, responded to my letter advocating return of the Montecito hot springs by the ruins (Cliff Spring and Barn Springs) to the people. He claims I said things that are “factually incorrect,” yet he characterizes […]