Tag archives: mindfullness
Are you stressed out? Is your heart racing, your breath shallow, and your mind scattered and unfocused? If the answer is yes and you’d like an effective, drug-free way to calm yourself down, I have a simple remedy for you that’s scientifically proven to work and literally right under your nose. Every Wednesday at Physical […]
Think about what it would be like in moments where you are challenged to offer yourself the same kindness, care, and support that you would naturally extend to a dear friend. That’s the impetus behind Mindful Self-Compassion, a new eight-week course from Hattie Bluestone, DPT, and Anahita Holden, PhD, being offered at Yoga Soup in […]
In a world of more than 7.5 billion people, falling into a rhythm that takes futile energy and subtly deters our hearts and minds away from our most authentic inner-self is as common as a misleading commercial on that crafty screen called the television. Material acceptance from ourselves and our peers is the external happiness […]
The description on Yoga Soup’s website was intriguing: “A movement community experience suitable for everybody… combining guided movement meditations, structured improvisation, simple choreographed exercises, and the exhilarating experience of moving in unison with other bodies.” But then, that begs the question: In a town that has more ecstatic dancing gatherings and contact improv sessions per […]
As the one-year anniversary of the Thomas Fire and Montecito debris flow approach, we’re imagining there will be several local events to commemorate the milestones of the twin tragedies. Ojai, which was hit early and hard by the fire, as the village’s Community Healing Sanctuary – a collaborative group that has hosted such events as […]