Tag archives: Lompoc

“The Revolutionists:” Dinner Theater to Lose Your Head Over
By Jeff Wing   |   April 25, 2023

The small-town civic theater is an enduring symbol; the unassuming downtown performance company – founded long ago by beloved local dandies – that secretly fuels the community’s daily life. The butcher, baker, and candlestick maker (the professional class, that is) have always been the gray-flannel measure of community progress. The town playhouse, though – dowdy […]

Civil Rights Lawsuit Filed on Behalf of Lompoc Federal Prison Inmates
By Nick Schou   |   May 21, 2020

Although it houses just 1,162 people behind bars – not to mention a healthy supply of razor wire – Lompoc Federal Prison already has no less than 900 inmates who have tested positive for COVID-19. That’s not only well more than 70 percent of the prison’s population, it’s also roughly half the number of people […]

County to Develop Reopening Plan
By Kelly Mahan Herrick   |   April 23, 2020

On Tuesday, April 21, the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors received an update from local health officials and executives regarding the status of COVID-19 in our area. In addition to hearing updated case numbers, the Board was given detailed demographic data for the positive COVID-19 cases, which up until this point, had not been […]

COVID-19 Updates
By Kelly Mahan Herrick   |   April 16, 2020

At the Board of Supervisors meeting on Monday, April 13, Public Health Director Dr. Van Do-Reynoso reported that the current shelter-at-home order in Santa Barbara County is working, causing a “flattening of the curve” to prevent overwhelming our local hospital system. “We can’t be less restrictive,” Dr. Do-Reynoso said. “Staying at home and physical distancing […]