Tag archives: law enforcment
The trial of Kyle Rittenhouse has galvanized the country, splitting already “warring factions” into something far more dramatic. The travesty of that trial began with the systematic exclusion of Black jurors and was further amplified by a clearly biased and incompetent judge: he openly fought with the prosecution in front of the jury, denied them […]
Each month during the community reports segment of the Montecito Association Board of Directors meeting, Santa Barbara County Sheriff Lieutenant Butch Arnoldi rattles off about a dozen crimes that happen each month in our area. These almost always include vehicle break-ins at trailheads; stolen mail or packages; maybe a residential burglary or two. Last week, […]
Richard Mineards covered this in last week’s issue, and Maile Kai, coincidentally, sang “America, The Beautiful” that night, but I don’t believe we ran any photos of the size of the audience out to support the law-and-order community at Pat and Ursula Nesbitt‘s Summerland estate. There were over 900 folks sitting at tables and under […]