Tag archives: Just Ask JAmy

ABCs of Montecito
By J'Amy Brown   |   September 19, 2019

Q: I just opened my September calendar and staring up at me is a bowl of alphabet soup – BOS, MLUDC, LUC, MCP, MAG, MPC, MBAR, MA! Can you help me sort out some of Montecito’s abundant and confusing acronym code? A: What a perfect “Back-to-School” question! Take a seat, grab your pen, and I’ll […]

A Visit from Insurance Commissioner Lara
By J'Amy Brown   |   August 22, 2019

Q: I am a Montecito resident, still frustrated by my Thomas Fire and Debris Flow unsettled insurance claim. I heard the California State Insurance Commissioner visited Montecito recently. How come the public didn’t know about this public official’s visit? I would have loved to have bent his ear. A: On August 9, Assemblywoman Monique Limón […]

Letters to the Editor
By Montecito Journal   |   August 15, 2019

Running for Congress I have been called upon by dozens of leaders throughout the Central Coast who believe we need and deserve better representation in the halls of Congress than currently is the case. Whereas, I have never had any personal political ambitions, I am, nevertheless, going to answer that call. That is because, just […]

Parking Problems
By J'Amy Brown   |   August 1, 2019

Q. What’s the on-street parking game-plan in Montecito? I’ve been shooed away by property owners, blocked by rocks, scarred by hedges, and nearly run off the road when I was walking. What’s private, what’s public, and what’s for pedestrians?  A. Montecito makes jockeying for pavement and parking rights one of our prime sports. With uniform […]

Letters to the Editor
By Montecito Journal   |   July 11, 2019

East Valley Road to Perdition I am astonished to be writing again about the Ennisbrook Owner’s Association and their unwillingness to fulfill their responsibilities to us as members and residents.  Ennisbrook owns our entire road. It starts at East Valley Road, and continues past ten properties and the four Ennisbrook members are the last four […]

By J'Amy Brown   |   June 20, 2019

Q. That wrecked boat debris, anchored for months on Hammonds Beach, disappeared on Monday. Where did it go? A. After public “take note” shot across the bow, SB County First District Supervisor Das Williams grabbed the helm and swiftly found a crew to attack and defeat the Montecito beach marooned wreckage! Hammonds Beach is once […]