Tag archives: Janna Zimmer

Despite Objection, County Will Not Move Cannabis Meeting from Yom Kippur
By Nick Masuda   |   September 14, 2021

Days after an editorial from local lawyer Jana Zimmer ran in the September 2 edition of the Montecito Journal that challenged the timing of a meeting over a potential Santa Claus Lane cannabis dispensary slated for Yom Kippur (September 16), the County of Santa Barbara has indicated it will not reschedule the meeting, despite a […]

The Cannabis Kings Meet Yom Kippur
By Jana Zimmer   |   September 7, 2021

I am not a religiously observant Jew, but on Thursday, September 16, I have an appointment with God. Yom Kippur — the Day of Atonement — is a once-a-year thing, a standing appointment, and it is important to me. I have kept it on the steps of a temple in France, on a Greek Island, […]

Jews Care About Santa Claus Too
By Gwyn Lurie   |   September 7, 2021

Today’s Community Voices by Janna Zimmer is one I encourage readers, including those who plan for and are elected to serve Santa Barbara County, to read (it’s on page 23). As Zimmer points out, the County of Santa Barbara has scheduled an important hearing to discuss the naturally controversial proposed cannabis dispensary on Santa Claus […]