Tag archives: GoFundMe

Mad Dogs & Englishmen Bike Giveaway 
By Kelly Mahan Herrick   |   July 4, 2023

Last week, Mad Dogs & Englishmen hosted a simultaneous bike assembly session and giveaway of 75 bicycles to local Boys & Girls Club chapters at their locations in Carmel-by-the-Sea and Montecito, and for Trips for Kids in Mill Valley. The gesture was conceived after Jennifer Blevins, owner of Mad Dogs & Englishmen, was criticized on […]

A Really Big GoFundMe
By Robert Bernstein   |   March 18, 2021

Network news shows tend to end with a feel-good story about people helping people. This often involves someone who got cancer, or some other dreaded disease, and neighbors and friends who mount a fundraiser for them. Sometimes, it even involves children setting up a lemonade stand for the cause. GoFundMe has raised $9 billion since […]

Longtime Montecito Cafe Waitress Subject of a Local GoFundMe Drive
By Nick Schou   |   February 18, 2021

A week ago, the former manager of the Montecito Inn’s Café, Arielle Chang, manager of the marketplace, gave notice to the Journal about the fate of Barbara Dutra, a manager of the restaurant who has fallen on hard times with stage four colon cancer. “Barbara has worked with us for fifteen years,” said Chang. “She […]

A Modest Disagreement
By Montecito Journal   |   January 10, 2019

Referencing Dick Shaikewitz‘s letter to the editor (“Ethics in Journalism,” MJ # 24/51), it is apparent that former Montecito Water District (MWD) Director Shaikewitz and I have a difference of opinion over how to provide water security for the residents of Montecito and Summerland. He believes that, contrary to state law, a written strategic plan […]

Montecito Memories
By Montecito Journal   |   March 8, 2018

Harry Kolb’s wife, Karen, recently passed away (see “In Passing” on page16); he penned the following short but poignant memory of their growing up together during an email back-and-forth with us that we think deserves wider dissemination: Karen’s brother, Jim, and I were best friends growing up in the St. Louis hills and Karen was […]

Who Should Pay (Part III)
By Montecito Journal   |   March 1, 2018

I believe you are off on this one (“Who Should Pay?” MJ #24/7). Most of the merchants I spoke with were paying their workers at least part of their wages. You might want to call around. After all these years, you would think a business could protect workers from their losses. I don’t want to […]

The Mud Must Go Somewhere
By Montecito Journal   |   February 22, 2018

Heal the Ocean (HTO) has received numerous (some irate) phone calls regarding the mud being deposited on Goleta and Carpinteria beaches. Television media has also called for a response from us. We told them, and everyone else, we were investigating and would let everyone know when we knew the answer. We at HTO don’t believe […]

Who Should Pay?
By Montecito Journal   |   February 15, 2018

Two videos on the 93108fund.org website were brought to my attention. Both ladies profiled currently work for Pierre Lafond, and they say in the video that they have missed up to 90 hours [of] work due to the fire/flood and are now receiving checks from the 93108fund.org to make up for lost hours. I’m wondering […]

Crane School Hero, Joel Weiss
By Montecito Journal   |   February 1, 2018

On the morning of January 9, our family narrowly escaped a tsunami of mud waters and our family is lucky to be alive. When the mountain of mud came at us, we fled our home as fast as we could. My husband took one car and I took another. We went to the right and […]

Pilobolus Returns to the Granada
By Steven Libowitz   |   January 25, 2018

When your company is named after a fungus that grows on cow poop, clearly you’re involved with an outfit that loves playfulness as well as metaphors. Pilobolus formed at Dartmouth back in 1971 but has grown more explosively than its light-seeking namesake, now numbering more than 120 dance works in its repertoire, including three entities […]