Tag archives: Bodhi Path

Sacred Sites Screening Online 
By Steven Libowitz   |   April 16, 2024

Back in 2018, Dawa Tarchin Phillips, resident teacher of Bodhi Path Santa Barbara and co-founder and former Director of Education of UCSB’s Center for Mindfulness and Human Potential, led two dozen people on an around-the-world pilgrimage, visiting 17 sacred sites in five countries on four continents in 30 days.  “The intention was to learn about […]

Town Hall Will Aid Those Struggling with Post-Pandemic Re-entry
By Steven Libowitz   |   July 1, 2021

California and much of the country reopening have been met with rejoicing by many people, but not everybody is completely comfortable with jumping right back into their old lives.  That’s the impetus behind Hospice of Santa Barbara’s “Navigating Re-entry” Town Hall, an online forum featuring a half-dozen community leaders discussing the fears, anxiety, and issues […]

Busy Times at Bodhi Path
By Steven Libowitz   |   October 4, 2018

October offers myriad opportunities for mediation at Bodhi Path Santa Barbara and beyond – including the center’s first-ever online experience – plus other Buddhist gatherings and more moving experiences. The busy times at Bodhi Path begin 7 to 9 pm Thursday, October 4, with a panel discussion on Dharma and Relationships, always a timely topic […]

“Grandmother Dharma” Teacher Dagmola Returns
By Steven Libowitz   |   April 12, 2018

H.E. Sakya Dagmola returns to Santa Barbara for a weekend retreat “The Essential Meaning of Ngondro, Preliminary Practices in Tibetan Buddhism”, this weekend April 14-15. Dagmola, who is a senior teacher and acting head Lama of Sakya Monastery of Tibetan Buddhism in Seattle – which was one of the first dharma centers in the West […]

Finding your Freedom through “Selfless Service”
By Steven Libowitz   |   March 29, 2018

The beginning of Bonnie and David Paul‘s The Freedom to Choose Project came more or less out of the blue 15 years ago when the couple were on the faculty in spiritual psychology at the University of Santa Monica. An inmate at a California prison who had been inspired by a story she read in […]

Classes with a Side of Turkey
By Steven Libowitz   |   November 23, 2017

What better way to start off the Thanksgiving weekend than by centering and grounding yourself before the relatives arrive? Two local yoga centers are offering free classes on Thanksgiving morning, though one of them comes with a give-back catch. YASA Yoga & Wellness Center, 22 W. Mission St., begins the day with a half-hour Thanksgiving […]