Tag archives: biology

Student Researchers Persevere Over Summer
By Scott Craig   |   September 30, 2020

Twenty-seven Westmont students adhered to strict safety protocols to work with their professors on research projects during the summer. Due to the pandemic, Westmont will skip the annual in-person October symposium, where students present their summer research findings. The work spanned a wide range of topics, including factors that affect the presence of western fence […]

Dear Montecito: Anna Martin
By Stella Haffner   |   July 9, 2020

Raise your hand if you’ve ever wondered why medical workers do what they do. Don’t be shy. No one can see you after all, you’re reading a newspaper. It’s a natural thing to watch news footage of hospitals, the beds packed, the staff tired and wonder how anyone could want to go into healthcare (even […]

Monkey See Monkey Do
By Rebecca Lee Moody   |   June 18, 2020

There was once a bunch of impossibly cute and endearingly musical primates swinging around a compound just outside the City of Santa Clarita. And then they moved to Santa Barbara County. That’s how, ideally, the story will go for the Gibbon Conservation Center, a unique research, breeding and residential facility dreamed up and established by […]

Talk Covers Deep-Sea Explorations: Sea Fans
By Scott Craig   |   November 8, 2018

Beth Horvath, Westmont associate professor of biology, examines the significant roles gorgonian corals (sea fans) play in the healthy biodiversity of deep-water habitats, such as the Santa Barbara Channel, in a lecture Thursday, November 8, at 5:30 pm at the University Club, 1332 Santa Barbara Street. The Westmont Downtown lecture, “Gorgonian Corals: Sentinels of Deep-Sea […]