The Chesley Initiative
By Michael Bowker   |   April 16, 2024

Packed Event Spreads Hope for Long COVID Victims: Will County Take National Role? When it first made its appearance in America’s hospitals late in the year 2020, Long COVID was considered a mysterious and perhaps ‘artificially created’ illness. It had a multitude of names and even more seemingly almost unrelated symptoms. It was often devastating […]

Long Covid in Santa Barbara: A Medical and Financial Time Bomb
By Michael Bowker   |   June 20, 2023

When Debbie Goodwin caught a strange disease that smashed into her life like a freight train, she felt she was alone in the world. With its devastating rhythm of painful and fatiguing symptoms, no one seemed to know what she had. It was terrifying. Today, two years later, she still struggles, but she knows she […]

In it for the Long Haul
By Michael Bowker   |   February 18, 2021

After finally recovering from COVID-19 and feeling well enough to play golf again, Billy Mandarino woke one morning to find his hands, feet, and face completely numb. He is now re-learning how to walk. Mandarino is one of the more than one hundred thousand cases nationwide with what doctors are calling Long Haulers Syndrome, or […]

Golden State Killer: Reign of Terror Included Goleta Victims
By Michael Bowker   |   July 16, 2020

The Most Vicious Rapist-Killer in California History Brought to Justice It was a mid-summer’s night in 1981 and Debbi Domingo, a junior at Santa Barbara High School, was just ending her shift at the Granada Theatre on State Street. She was handed a message from her mother’s best friend. “Please come home,” the message read. […]