Outstanding ‘Alice’

Ensemble Theatre Company’s final show of its 45th season at the New Vic, the world premiere of Alice, Formerly of Wonderland, based on a true story of the romance between the girl featured in the Lewis Carrol books and Prince Leopold, the youngest son of Queen Victoria, is a real corker!
Switching scenes from Oxford University in 1872 where the prince was studying, to Buckingham Palace, and the dean’s (Alice’s father) garden, the Mark Saltzman-written musical, directed by Jim Fall and with a capella music arranged by Jack Lipson,is an absolute joy from beginning to end.
Bree Murphy as the imperious sovereign is ideal for the role, morphing perfectly into a cockney retailer and a Scots lassie, as was Sam O’Byrne as the Duke of Albany, Sawyer Patterson as future earl Edward Brockett vying for the affection of Alice – wonderfully played by Margie Mays – with Brent Schindele as the kindly dean and Matthew Greenwood as the ornately caustic caterpillar.
Although still very much in its embryonic stages, this production really is not to be missed. It runs through June 16.