Appreciation Picnic

By Lynda Millner   |   June 14, 2022
Executive director of the Arts Center Linda Russo and Missy’s daughter standing behind the author, Marilyn “Missy” Chandler DeYoung

The Lynda Fairly Carpinteria Arts Center gave a very civilized Volunteer Appreciation Picnic. No ants allowed! It was in their courtyard at 865 Linden Avenue with mimosas and sandwiches. 

Besides good picnic fare, there was a book signing and talk by the author, Marilyn Chandler DeYoung (aka “Missy”) who was introduced by executive director Linda Russo. The author chronicles the lives of 82 “Remarkable Women of California” from the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century. Missy has spent a lifetime developing friendships with many of these famous, and not so famous, women, and nearly 30 years capturing their stories. 

She used historical references, personal interviews, and her own personal recollections. She has an insider’s view of these influential women’s lives. The bios and photos give a history to the women’s movement and the growth of California.

Because she is a fourth-generation Californian, Missy’s life has been full of the history of the state. Her family members are descendants of Otto Brandt, who was a pioneering real estate developer and entrepreneur. Her relatives were all around as Los Angeles was growing.

Missy was a student at the prestigious Marlborough School, Stanford, and UCLA where she received a master’s degree in Urban Planning. She was Otis Chandler’s wife for thirty years; he being the publisher of the Los Angeles Times. She knew many movers and shakers and has a unique perception of the Remarkable Women of California.

The quote on the book cover is worth repeating: “There’s a strength and independence to California women that sets them apart from the rest of American women. It stems from our early California heritage, Mexican, and Spanish: from the hardy pioneer women who settled this foreign land; from the freedom we wrested from rigid traditions and mores; from our independence. Our land was a challenge, the land of opportunity; the place where new things happened fast.”

The upcoming exhibit for the Arts Center is June 17 – July 31. Call (805) 684-7789 or visit for info regarding summer workshops like ceramics, gelatin plate printing, beginning watercolor, mixed media and collage workshops, and music. There are tours and excursions as well. Lots of summer fun!


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