Energy Flows Where Attention Goes

By Michelle Ebbin   |   May 7, 2020
Michelle Ebbin with Janelle Christa’s latest book, Spiritual Ninja

If you’re finding it difficult to stay calm and not be completely overwhelmed with fear and uncertainty as the COVID-19 pandemic impacts every realm of your life, you are not alone my friends. I’m right there with you and nearly everyone I know is feeling the collective anxiety and mental anguish of this challenging time. Quarantining has stagnated our physical, mental, and emotional energy, and it’s clear that self-care, the cornerstone to well-being, must be increased. If there were ever a time to try something new to radically shift your energy, this is that time.

Most people are aware that regular physical exercise is a great way to improve your energy and has numerous physical and mental health benefits. But in today’s bizarre “new normal” it’s hard, often, for even the most dedicated fitness devotee to muster the energy to work out. So how do we shift our energy if we can’t find the energy to go for our normal run, hike, or walk? The answer is we must turn within and learn ways to strengthen and nurse our own spiritual energy.

We have two local amazing energy coaches who can teach us how to master our internal energy systems. Eight year-Montecito resident Susan Moe is an energetic reader, teacher, and coach who’s worked with people around the world for two decades. She offers clairvoyant readings, coaching and courses on how to elevate energy, improve relationships, increase focus and productivity, develop emotional resilience, and strengthen your own intuition.

Full-disclosure: pre-quarantine I had a powerful reading from Susan that blew me away.

She says, “I relied on my skills heavily to cope with the aftermath of the debris flow that hit our home, and now, deal with the ramifications of the pandemic… Whether we ‘wake up’ of our own volition or a life event catapults us into questioning the point of it all, discovering your higher self can be as challenging as it is rewarding.”

Susan writes a weekly newsletter with energetic guidance that provides a higher perspective on the pandemic. She’s offering a ‘Grounding and Energy Meditation’ online course and a Free Guided Meditation at

Janelle Christa, who also moved to Montecito eight years ago, is a world-renowned mystic, spiritual teacher and coach, and the author of the new book Spiritual Ninja: A Guidebook to Energetic Self-Defense and Protection in the Modern World. Janelle believes that everyone needs skills to stay spiritually protected and connected, and she teaches “practical approaches to awaken your spiritual superpowers and keep your energy clean as a whistle.”

In her book, which I read in one day, Janelle speaks to anyone struggling emotionally and physically, and offers guidance on how to protect yourself from draining your psychic energy. She provides simple practices, rituals, meditations and other DIY tools to help strengthen your energetic health and physical well being. Janelle writes, “We must learn how to protect ourselves with a little psychic self-defense.”

Janelle offers online courses, private and group coaching sessions, retreats and a blog/vlog. She’s offering a free video, guided hypnotic meditation, and printable gratitude journal on her website:

Susan Moe:

“The easiest and fastest thing we can do when we are feeling stressed and overwhelmed is to take long, deep breaths. Start by focusing on the exhale. Breathe out all the air in your lungs and then push out a little more. Hold your breath for a few seconds with empty lungs, and then take in a long, deep inhale filling your lungs to their capacity. It takes less than 15 seconds and just one of these satiating breaths can make a difference. If you have a minute, take three or four just like that and you’ll be amazed at the difference in both your physical and psychological state!”

Susan Moe

Janelle Christa:

“I would say number one is to lean into gratitude for whatever you can. Even if it’s fresh air, a comfortable sofa, a smile from your child. Gratitude increases your dopamine and serotonin production which encourages your brain to seek more of the same. When our brain releases dopamine and serotonin, the two crucial neurotransmitters responsible for emotions, they enhance our mood immediately which makes us feel happy from the inside. When the outside world seems like it’s crumbling, it’s even more crucial to make sure we tune in to what we do have power over – which is our choice about how we are going to respond.”

Janelle Christa

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