Raise your Voice to ‘Bare Your Soul’

By Steven Libowitz   |   January 30, 2020

Tania Isaac-Dutton’s Nada Yoga Workshop creates a safe space to reflect and connect within and with community via the practice that combines flow of sound with union. Everything and everyone in the universe has a unique frequency, but through the practice of Nada Yoga, one can cultivate bringing their mind into harmony with the collective consciousness through the use of sound – one’s own voice. The workshop, which takes place 2-3:30 pm on Saturday, February 1, at the Santa Barbara Yoga Center, and costs $25, guides participants through seated and walking meditations and one-on-one mindfulness techniques before closing with a group toning in a sacred circle.

Yin & Therapeutic Yoga with Cheri Clampett, slated for 2-4:30 pm on Sunday, February 2 at SBYC, combines a pair of practices for extra effect. The first hour is designed to activate the movement of chi, or prana, through the body as the soft nature of the Yin practice creates an opportunity to gain greater insight and awareness, while Therapeutic Yoga is a blend of restorative poses, gentle yoga, breath awareness, and guided meditation that gently encourages your body to release and your mind to open. The yoga is accompanied by live improvised waveforms with healing intention played by Avahara, plus essential oils and hands-on adjustments. Admission is $50.

Re-claim your authentic voice, listen in new ways, and honor and empower your innate wisdom through self-inquiry, self-compassion practices and poetry, and inspire truth-telling through the use of words to regain wholeness. No previous experience is necessary to participate in Write Resonantly with Lalli Dana Drobny, MAW, University of Iowa, who has taught writing classes/workshops nationally for 35 years and Embodied Mindfulness at SBCC for 15 years. The class meets 5:15-6:45 pm on Thursdays, February 6-20, plus 1:15-4 pm on Saturday, February 29, and costs $18 per class, or $39 for the three-class series, and $30 for the February 29 event.

Santa Barbara Yoga Center is located at 32 East Micheltorena Street. Call (805) 965-6045 or visit www.santabarbarayogacenter.com.


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