MClub At Casa Del Herrero

As Maria McCall, director of the MClub for the Montecito Bank and Trust said, “Visitors to the Casa are transported back to Montecito in the 1920s and 1930s – the heyday of the original owner George Fox Steedman. Designed by George Washington Smith, the Casa is one of the finest examples of Spanish Colonial Revival architecture in America. It is included on the National Register of Historic Landmarks.”
The 11-acre estate is a non-profit organization to preserve the house and grounds. One of the things that make a visit special is the collection of 15th and 16th century fine and decorative art objects from Spain that the family left for us to enjoy.

As a long-time docent for the Casa, I had the pleasure of leading members of the MClub through and telling all my stories, many from the mouths of grandkids who remember romping around the estate as children. Those enjoying the estate and its gardens were: Gillian Connor, Peggy Caswell, Jacque Ohl–Trlica, Marilyn Cross, Sara Stokley, Keith Mautino Moore, Anne Luther, Karen Paythress, Amanda and Richard Payatt, Virginia Markel,and yours truly.