Montecito Moms: Tiffany Jaeger

By Dalina Michaels   |   August 22, 2019

You could call Tiffany Jaeger the baby whisperer. After nine years as a mother, and seven in business, Jaeger is using her background as a well-disciplined personal trainer and her insight as a mother of three, to help new moms with the one thing they don’t get enough off: zzz’s.

Jaeger first came to Montecito via Westmont College in 1999; she then met her husband, Jason, who proposed to her at Miramar Beach, and they settled here in 2007.

Now, her business is babies. With three children of her own, she has experience and her goal for new parents is simple: getting their babies to go to sleep! Her company, “Eat Play Sleep” started as a way to help new parents figure out how to get a newborn on a consistent sleep schedule.

Jaeger took her well-earned knowledge, and in passing it along to friends and family in need, her business organically grew from there. Her personal training background was the perfect pairing: “During my thirteen years of personal training, most of my clients needed a trainer to meet with, keep them accountable, advise their nutrition needs, and assist them with a plan to reach their goals. They were not motivated enough on their own, to be consistent. Sleep training a baby is very similar.”

She explains, “By 2013, with three kids under the age of three, I discovered firsthand how important it was to have a well-sleeping baby. My necessity for sleep led me to reach out to multiple resources, such as friends, family, and books. As my knowledge grew and my notes deemed true, by twelve weeks, all three babies were successfully sleeping eleven to twelve hours at night.”

Now, with bloggers and influencers who have found her, Jaeger is in demand beyond the 93108. Jaeger shares: “My clientele has ranged from Amsterdam to Dubai, New York to L.A., and beyond. My consulting is done completely via email and phone, so it doesn’t matter where a sleepless mom in need lives, she can still get sleep.”

If you are looking for sleep training help, check out her website: or Instagram:


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