Museum of Art Sustainers

The Santa Barbara Museum of Art Women’s Board has another group it couldn’t do without and that is the Sustainers who give continual financial support for their Board’s many projects. These are Museum members who have been active on the board in many capacities and then choose to “retire” or at least not be active any more. They recently held their annual luncheon, this year at Stella Mare’s down by the bird refuge. It’s always so charming and feels like Europe to me.
After a leisurely glass of wine, we sat down to delicious entrees of salmon or roast chicken. Each place was set with a très élégant favor of a box of note cards with the image of Greta Garbo in black and white. The original photograph is part of the Museum of Art collection and was part of her private collection.

Two ladies were honored: Barbara Wallace for being the longest sustainer in history (51 years) and Kathy Weber for being the newest sustainer. Director/CEO Larry Feinberg was there and he didn’t even have to give a speech – just enjoy lunch. Speaking to the group was the current president of the Women’s Boards Jeanne Fulkerson. The ladies responsible for our lovely afternoon were Mary Garton, Fran Morrow, and Mary Maxwell.
The next project coming up is called Off the Wall and will be held in the historic Carrillo Ballroom at the Santa Barbara Recreation Center. There will be drinks and hors d’oeuvres and ticket holders will take home an original piece of art. There are several hundred artists who have donated a work. Ticket holder’s names are drawn at random and you must run up and claim your choice and hope the one you really want is still there. It’s fun! That is Saturday, April 27. For information, contact Wendy Darling at 805.884.6426.