By Lynda Millner   |   January 10, 2019
BCRC board president Rose Hodge with executive director Silvana Kelly at their annual tea

Breast Cancer Resource Center (BCRC) invited everyone to deck the halls for the annual tea and fashion show at the Four Seasons Biltmore. It’s always a heart-warming event because the models are breast cancer survivors and we celebrate their battle won over cancer.

This year there were eight ladies strutting the runway: Karine Anderson, Debbie Barnett, Cindy Feinberg, Alice Green, Amara Maliszewski, Colleen Rae, Barbara Urbonas, and Edna Vazquez. All the fashions were from Chasens, which is on Coast Village Road a few doors up from Starbucks. Mira Bella Salon, Summerland Spa & Salon and TEAM Hair & Makeup also pampered the models.

But before the show, you could shop ‘til you drop at the Winter Market with twelve vendors, a big expansion this year. Much jewelry, good smells sachets, sea glass, greeting cards, knitwear accessories, and much more. Many ladies were busy filling out raffle tickets knowing they were going to win.

BCRC models Alice Green, Amara Maliszewski, Colleen Rae, Karine Anderson, Debbie Barnett, Barbara Urbonas, Edna Vazquez, and Cindy Feinberg
Nicole Lucky and Natalie Sanchez from RevitaLash, the premiere sponsor

The staff headed up by executive director Silvana Kelly with Pamela Blake, Christine DiBerardino and Ana Luisa Rodriguez were meeting and greeting. Board president Rose Hodge and Silvana spoke to the audience saying, “We listen to women and give them a shoulder to lean on. We have a circle of healing hands.” Silvana especially wanted to recognize Westerley orchids for their $80,000 gift plus all the sponsors whose support makes BCRC possible. This year the Gold sponsor was RevitaLash Cosmetics.

Santa’s elves were Lyndsey Allen, Charlotte Carlson, Karissa Fields, Cali Lingle, Annika Mager,and Sascha Smith.Santa’shelperswere Rose Hodge, Evie Sullivan, La Shon Kelly, Nan Morrow, Audrey Nolan, May Shea,and Ann Witherell.

BCRC is located at 55 Hitchcock Way, Suite 101. Many of the models bemoaned the fact they hadn’t discovered BCRC sooner into their treatment. They offer support groups, educational lectures, integrative therapies, library of resources and workshops, and special programs on coping. In case you know anyone needing such services, they can call 805.569.9693. Happy New Year to all!


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