Art of the Table

The Santa Barbara Museum of Art Women’s Board (SBMAWB) just held their new and ingenious event idea called “Art of the Table.” They gathered together 12 national and local designers who could choose their inspiration from a piece of art in the permanent collection. They were Signature Designer 2018 John Saladino; Cynthia Belliveau Designs; Gina Andrews of Bon Fortune; Caroline and Steve Thompson plus Margaret Watson of Cabana Home; Colette Cosentino Creative; Eric Berg of Early California Antiques; Marc Normand Galinas Interior Design; Jerry Peddicord of Hogue and Co.; Victoria Imperioli and Starr Siegele; Margaret Matson; Diana Dolan of Porch; and Jack and Rose Herschorn of The Sacred Space. Their tablescapes were amazing.
It was definitely a sell-out crowd. One could hardly get through to view the tables but there was wine and canapés to sip and sustain us during the viewing. There was also a silent auction in an adjoining room with items such as a trip to New Zealand, a Paramount Pictures Studio Tour with a private driver, or a staycation at the historic Upham Hotel, Louie’s restaurant included.
At the VIP reception Larry J. Feinberg, Robert and Mercedes Eichholz director and CEO told the crowd, “The Art of the Table is yet another of the Women’s Board creative ventures that will lend fun, beauty, and great spirit to the museum and will benefit the museum financially.” Co-chairs Leisa Cosentino and Jeanne Fulkerson informed, “The funds will go to after-school education programs in partnership with Girls Inc., as well as acquisitions and exhibitions.” Through the years, SBMAWB have purchased more than 60 pieces for the permanent collection.

For 65 years, the Women’s Board has championed the museum and we drank a champagne toast to that! Board president Fran Morrow gave praise to the committee: “They rolled up their sleeves, gave of their precious time, opened their address books and their checkbooks, and never once said no.” Besides the co-chairs, they were Marna Coday, Colette Cosentino, Catey Dunkley, Paula Farrington, Blake Lannon, Nilou Lueck, Anne Luther, Deanna Major, Christy Martin, Holly Murphy, Katherine Murray-Morse, Marjorie Robertson, Roz Rosin, Helen Segal, Leigh Shreves, Adrianna Sturman, Diane Waterhouse, and Carolyn Williams.
The SBMA is one of the finest museums on the West Coast. They want to integrate art into our lives so come and see. It’s located at 1130 State Street and is open Tuesday through Sunday 11 am to 5 pm, and free Thursday evening 5 to 8 pm. Their phone is (805) 963-4364.